Amelia Ence posted this image on Pinterest the other day.

It looks like it’s for a product called the Abhancer. It’s supposed to make your stomach look as if you have strong abdominal muscles showing under the skin when it actually is just making marks on your stomach with what looks like a shelf out of your kitchen pantry.
The box reads:
New! Abhancer! Get a six-pack in seconds!
Dramatically enhances abs.
Adjustable straps.
Light-weight frame.
Fits beneath clothing.
Recommended by pseudo-athletes.
“I couldn’t believe how effective the Ab-hancer was. Chicks dig it!” – Jeff
As far as I can tell, this product doesn’t exist. A quick search on Amazon turns up nothing and a Google search just has posting after posting making fun of the product without really researching whether it is real or not. I DID find this product: The Boneless Belt on Inventor Spot: Break Up Fat, Relationships with the Bizarre Japanese Dieting Belt.

According to the website:
The structure of the rubber belt is a large mesh grid that splits the dieter’s belly, side and back fat into easily manageable blobs. This allows for increased metabolic consumption of calories and raises the propensity for increased blood flow values. More blood flow = more heat = more burning of fat.
Cutting off the blood flow to your body might affect your resting metabolic rate, but it would be by such a small amount that it’s doubtful that it would helpful at all. Taking a twenty minute walk outside would help you FAR more than wearing an uncomfortable belt all day.
You could always create that effect with a shelf from your kitchen:

In the end, the only thing that will make your abs look like a six pack is exercise and diet. Your body fat needs to be so low that there is literally NO fat between your skin and your muscles. A silly gadget or belt (whether real or imaginary) can’t replace the hard work and determination that you need to look that good.
Additional research and photos via: