
Eat Less! Move More!

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Last week, Angela commented on my The Weight Loss Testimonial entry:

There was a madtv scetch once about “eat less and move more.” And this whiny person saying that was too complicated and couldn’t they just take a pill or have surgery? And the guy responds, “you’d rather have dangerous, invasive surgery than just eat less and move more???” That one always sticks with me as I’m trying to do this on my own.

I had never seen or heard of that sketch before, so I looked it up:

Angela is RIGHT! This is such a powerful lesson to me. Every time I get tempted by some diet pill that promises a miracle, I’m going to remember this lady.

Lady: Isn’t there a pill I could take?
Announcer: Haven’t you taken you taken pills for dieting?
Lady: I sure have…
Announcer: And how’d that work out?
Lady: I’m fatter now than I’ve ever been!
Announcer: You want to lose weight, right?
Lady: Absolutely!
Announcer: Then all you have to do is eat less and move more.

I have heard the phrase, “Eat Less Move More” so many times that I’m pretty sick of it, but it’s true. That’s the only thing I need to do to get to my goal weight. It’s the DOING it that’s hard.


Air Shorts

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Air ShortsJust looking at these Air Shorts makes me laugh, but then I learned that they were so popular that there were TWO companies making them. Here is the description on how they are supposed to make you slim:

Inflatable exercise shorts for men and women. Wear while doing your morning sit-ups, housework, etc. Great for exercise and for shedding body moisture. Inflate to fit. Gives support and massage at waist, hips, thighs, buttocks. One size fits all. Inflates with a simple tube.

They charged seven bucks for those ghastly things back in the 70’s, which would equate to about 38 dollars now. Would you pay forty bucks for those ugly things?!

The next time you’re tempted to buy something for weight loss, remember the Air Shorts. Save your hard earned money and let the fads fall by the wayside.

Via: Plaid Stallions : Rambling and Reflections on 70’s pop culture: Scarred Forever


Twitter Updates for 2009-05-03

By @ 11:59 pm — Filed under:
  • @JuleeEllison There IS a learning curve to DDR. Once you get it, though, there is an incredible feeling of accomplishment! Try again! #
  • Just set up the Starling Fitness Weekly Challenges on Nike+. Make sure you sign up for the correct level. http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/ #

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Weight Watchers Hungry Monster

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

A few months ago, Weight Watchers ran these commercials with the Hungry Monster:

Ever since I talked about that commercial, people have been emailing me asking where they could buy one. For example:


I was wondering if you would be marketing the little orange Hunger character in your commercials as a stuffed animal or something? I just think the commercials are really motivating and eye-catching and I would LOVE to have a little Hunger stuffed animal of my own..

Thank you,

This week at Weight Watchers, I noticed that they are actually selling the little Hungry Monsters.

Click to see full size

Seeing hunger personified reminds me that it’s just a little beast inside of me controlling what I eat. I need to retrain it to eat healthy food.

Update 02-03-10: The hungry monster used to be sold at Weight Watchers locations, but it has since been pulled from the market. Sorry, but you can’t buy them at present.


Twitter Updates for 2009-05-02

By @ 11:59 pm — Filed under:
  • @arholtz Get boxing, baby! I’m saving all my Gold for the Panda suit! I’m halfway there! #WiiGoldsGym #
  • Worked out with DDR Universe 3. So proud of opening up Burnout this morning! Exercise and rewards! Double prizes! #
  • @JuleeEllison The only other good Wii exercise game I’ve found is Dance Dance Revolution. Extra hard on the Wii with the nunchucks! #

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Peas Are War-Winning Nourishment

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I love this old ad from 1943:

Click to see full size

It reads:

War-Winning Nourishment
Appetite-Winning Flavor
Uncle Sam says: “Eat a green or yellow vegetable each day.” And Stokley’s Finest Honey Pod Peas fill the bill more ways than one. Peas supply minerals, protein, vitamins A, B1, C and G. And these Honey Pods have a flavor all their own – sweet as honey, garden-fresh. Mixed sizes – just as they come from their crisp green pods. Tested recipes for delicious, thrifty dishes on the back of every label of Stokely’s Finest Honey Pod Peas.

Whether it was Uncle Sam who recommended that you eat green or yellow vegetables every day or just the marketing director, he was right. Including five servings of vegetables and fruit in your diet every day is essential to keeping you feeling full and giving you the nutrients you need.

Next time you are thinking of a snack to eat when you’re hungry, remember your Uncle Sam…

Ad via: Found in Mom’s Basement: 1943 ad for Stokely’s canned peas with WW II message


My Symbiont Part 3 of 3

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

If my digestive tract is a symbiont inside of me, how do I communicate with it? If there is a dumb animal inside of me that controls how much I eat, how do I tell it what I want? If there is a beast within me that makes me overeat, how do I retrain it?

Sid Loves The Summer Sun by LauraMoncur from FlickrIt all made me think back to my dog, Sid. We adopted Sid as an adult dog from a rescue shelter. He came knowing a few tricks, but he didn’t know the most important three: sit, come and stay. How did we teach him those tricks?

  • Positive Reinforcement: We gave him treats when he did things right. He usually did them right by accident, but when he did, we gave him a treat and LOTS of praise.
  • Negative Reinforcement: We scolded him when he did things wrong. We withheld the treat when he didn’t do the trick correctly.
  • Repetition: We spent HOURS and HOURS working with him. There were some days when we put his food in a bowl and doled it out a few kibbles at a time as treats to teach him what he needed to know.
  • Mimicry: I’ve heard that some dogs learn tricks from other dogs. We’ve never been able to do that with Sid because he’s an only dog, but I’ve seen that happen with others.

The problem is, my symbiont isn’t a dog. Most importantly, it’s a lot dumber than my dog. How do I retrain the beast within me?

Animals want a lot of things. You can reward them with food, but there are a lot of things that the beast inside of me may be appeased with:

  • Sex
  • Food
  • Praise
  • Play
  • Comfort
  • Safety
  • Community / Pack / Herd

Whenever I’m thinking about how to reward the beast within me, I look at this list.

I think it’s very important that I give the reward immediately after the healthy act. So, if I exercise, I eat some healthy food immediately afterward. If I choose a healthy dish, I immediately praise myself. If I refrain from eating dessert, I grab my Nintendo DS and play a fun game as a reward. If I have a perfect day, I spend some time with a good friend either on the phone or in person.

I realize that this is not a quick process. It took us MONTHS to train Sid how to sit, come and stay and he was only a two year old dog. My symbiont has had forty years of controlling my actions, so retraining it to do things that are healthy for me will take some time.

Thinking of my body as a joined species with my intellect as one and my digestive tract as the other has really helped me. There are times when I call Sid and he STILL doesn’t come. He’s just a dumb animal and needs a little more training. The same is true for my symbiont. I’m in the process of retraining the beast inside of me.


Twitter Updates for 2009-04-30

By @ 11:59 pm — Filed under:
  • Whole Foods has a horseradish and chive havarti cheese to DIE for! I had it with a pear for breakfast. Yum! #
  • My sentiments EXACTLY! RT @JuleeEllison Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout for the Wii Rocks!!! Easy interface, and it’ll make you sweat! #

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My Symbiont Part 2 of 3

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I have always felt like there was something else controlling me when it came to eating. I could always get the motivation to exercise consistently, but eating healthy has been a struggle for me my whole life.

I always chalked it up to lack of self-control, but honestly it was more than that. When I filmed this video back in 2006, I was struggling with a beast:

Click Here To Watch Video Confessional

It was like there was a beast inside of me that wanted to eat as much as I could because Mike was out of the house. To be completely honest, that beast won that war. Not that day, but over the last three years, I have been unable to control it.

Odan SymbiontYesterday, I talked about my digestive tract being a symbiont within me. An animal that lives within my body that controls how much I eat. It might be an incredibly DUMB animal with only one hundred million neurons in its “brain,” but it is a STRONG animal. It can take control of me when I least expect it.

How can I retrain the beast within me? How can I make it understand that I want to be thin? It’s not like I can just sit down and have a little conversation with the animal inside of me. I have to train it like a dog to do what I want instead of what it wants.

Tune in tomorrow for some ideas on how to retrain the beast within all of us.


Twitter Updates for 2009-04-29

By Laura Moncur @ 11:59 pm — Filed under:
  • Going on a walk with @nakedjen and her dogs this morning. They were in Santa Cruz all last week, so I’m happy to have them back! #
  • RT @motivation: “Laughter is by definition healthy.” – Doris Lessing http://tqpage.com/1718 #
  • @steifon To get an iPod cheap, go to a pawn shop. You can get a 1st gen Nano for less than fifty bucks. Makes for a great workout! #
  • RT @tinapearson: Enjoyed a early a.m. Walk/jog… Why do people not say good morning to each other? Say good morning to 5 strangers today! #
  • It took me 1h 23 min to walk 2.86 miles. Sometimes I think I should run after the dogs to chase the ball on these walks. #

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