PostSecret: Vegan
This postcard from PostSecret showed up a couple of weeks ago.
It reads:
I just realized that veganism
has become an excuse for my EATING DISORDER.
I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of disordered eating. I tell myself weird lies all the time to justify a binge. Sometimes I can recognize them as a lie, sometimes they slip right past me and I find myself doubled over with stomach pain.
I truly believe that veganism is the most healthy way to eat… for SOME people. For others, it easily turns into a way to binge or starve yourself. It is entirely possible to get fat on a vegan diet, just like it’s possible to starve yourself to death on one. It’s not the veganism that caused that person’s disordered eating, but it sure is a good excuse.
What excuses are you using to get in the way of your perfect life? Are you letting yourself slide on daily exercise? Are you slipping in food that you know is your downfall? Are you limiting yourself too much? Watch yourself carefully today and make sure you are living the life that you want to without letting any excuses get in your way.
PostSecret‘s beneficiary is the National Hopeline Network. It is a 24-hour hotline (1 (800) SUICIDE) for anyone who is thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.