
PostSecret: Gastric Bypass Hypocrite

By Laura Moncur @ 7:18 am — Filed under:

This postcard from PostSecret made me really think.

PostSecret: Gastric Bypass Hypocrite

It reads:

Six months ago, I had gastric bypass, have lost 100 lbs. and have never felt better.

I am terrified that the conversations with my daughter about body image, self-confidence and loving who you are will make me a hypocrite.

I think gastric bypass is a bad idea. It’s dangerous (1 out of 200 die within 30 days of the surgery). I really don’t consider the risk of the surgery to be worth it.

Then again, we don’t know everything about the human body. It may be that in the future, we will know EXACTLY what causes obesity and one simple operation can be done to prevent or correct it. Will I think that surgery is a bad idea? No, I don’t think so. I think I’ll be all for it once we absolutely KNOW what causes obesity and how to fix it as long as the survival rates and post-surgery symptoms are better than they are now.

Is this woman a hypocrite? No. She did what she had to do to get to a healthy weight. I’m sick of all this moral judgment about gastric bypass surgery. She’s not a bad person for taking the “easy” way out, she was willing to take the risk of death and severe symptoms. I don’t find that risk acceptable, but everyone gets to make their own decision about it as long as they are FULLY informed about the potential complications.

For more info about the risks and symptoms:

PostSecret‘s beneficiary is the National Hopeline Network. It is a 24-hour hotline (1 (800) SUICIDE) for anyone who is thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-17

By Laura Moncur @ 12:32 am — Filed under:


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-10

By Laura Moncur @ 12:32 am — Filed under:
  • WRONG!! "Get pleasure out of life…as much as you can. Nobody ever died from pleasure." – Sol Hurok http://tqpage.com/2787 #
  • This review from @DDRdiva makes me want to buy We Cheer 2 for my Wii. I haven't had a exergame obsession for a while. http://wp.me/pzT7L-bi #
  • RT @motivation: "The here and now is all we have, and if we play it right it's all we'll need." – Ann Richards http://tqpage.com/39137 #
  • RT @epersonae: Dawn bike ride was beautiful, lots of pink & gold clouds, fog on the lake, plus the just-past-full moon in the west. #
  • RT @DDRdiva: New blog post: how I improved my number of kettlebell swings http://wp.me/pzT7L-b8 #
  • RT @motivation: "Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it." – Joseph Conrad http://tqpage.com/1739 #
  • RT @Befitt: (Vinoy Park in St. Pete, FL) This is where a lot of people go to exercise. http://bit.ly/1S2G1S #


A Good Pair of Shoes for Walking

By Laura Moncur @ 2:28 pm — Filed under:

A Good Pair of Shoes for Walking

When I am wearing a good pair of shoes for walking, I am much more willing to do something active. For example, today, we were trying to decide what to do with our lazy Sunday. When a visit to Park City turned into a marathon walk around the outdoor outlet mall, I didn’t even think about it. Had I been wearing more fashionable shoes, I would have complained and gotten FAR less exercise.

Never underestimate the power of sensible shoes.


The Perfect Running Video from Michael Verdi

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Michael Verdi has been running a lot lately. While listening to the new Flaming Lips album, Embryonic, he had a musical epiphany that lead to this awesome running video.

It’s only a snippet of a song and a really short video, but it feels like running to me. Thanks for such a great video, Verdi!

Visit his website and read the whole story here: Embryonic – Michael Verdi


WTF, Nike+?!

By Laura Moncur @ 2:38 pm — Filed under:

I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who has trouble with Nike+. It looks like Michael Verdi experienced the same epic fail that I did.

Nike+ Fail by Michael Verdi from Flickr

This has been an ongoing problem since the beginning of Nike+. Their insistence on using a clunky Flash interface has truly been their downfall. I can’t wait until RunKeeper has the ability to challenge your friends to races. When they do, there will be no need for Nike+ anymore.


A Quiet Walk An Evening

By Laura Moncur @ 6:21 pm — Filed under:

A Walk in Daybreak

Every night, Mike and I have been taking quick walks to the lake right before the sun goes down. We chose this neighborhood BECAUSE of the lake, so we might as well take advantage of it. It doesn’t hurt that they built a gelato shop next to the lake, of course.

It COULD hurt, actually, but I’ve been ordering the herbal tea with Splenda for my dessert. The paper cup warms my hands as we walk in the chilly autumn weather.

They say a quiet walk an evening helps to keep weight down, but I’ve been enjoying it for what it is: blissful relaxation.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-03

By Laura Moncur @ 12:32 am — Filed under:


Piano Stairs Encourages 66% to Skip Escalator

By Laura Moncur @ 11:00 am — Filed under:

As a rabid fan of DDR, I know that adding fun to your workout will make you more likely to do it. These folks proved it again by creating piano stairs.

They measured the number of people who took the escalator versus the stairs before and then created the piano stairs. When they remeasured, 66% more people chose the stairs over the escalator.

The next time your workout feels like drudgery, choose something FUN instead. Play a game with friends, workout with the Wii, or play DDR. Your exercise routine doesn’t have to be boring. It can be as fun as climbing piano stairs.

Video via: Hate Climbing Stairs? These People Don’t

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-27

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:
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