
Hard Body Videos for Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

For the longest time, my PowerSong on my iPod has been Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk. I talked about it almost a year ago here:

It looks like a lot of hard bodies have chosen that song as well. Here is the cute girl version:

Then, here is the cute guys version:

Next time you’re thinking of skipping out on your workout, imagine yourself as trim as these guys and get your butt moving!

Via: Blind Prophecy » Music Monday


Chloe Marshall: First Size 16 Miss England Finalist

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Chloe Marshall: Miss England FinalistCongratulations to Chloe Marshall, who is the first finalist for the title of Miss England who is plus-sized.

She is excited to show that it’s possible to be beautiful without being stick thin.

“I wanted to go through to the Miss England finals to break through the stereotype that you have to be tall and skinny.

“I wanted to make a bit of a statement. When I studied the other entrants for the Miss Surrey competition I concluded that pretty as the contestants were, they were equally all uniformly blonde and Barbie doll like.

“I want to show girls out there that it is possible to be beautiful and not a standard sized zero.”

She has had a few people saying nasty things to her, as you can see from the comments section on this site:

I want to give her a big shout-out! She IS beautiful and size 16. Thanks for showing the world that the two are not mutually exclusive.

Via: Rudd Sound Bites: Stigma-busting Beauty Pageant


Ali Vincent Wins Biggest Loser

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

For the first time, a woman has won The Biggest Loser! Ali Vincent won The Biggest Loser, even after being sent home in week four.

Ali Vincent: The Biggest Loser

Here is a video interviewing her and Jillian, her trainer on the show.

Jillian is really proud of Ali

She’s sending a message to women out there that when you connect your mind, your body and your intention, anything is possible.

Since women typically don’t lose weight as quickly as men, it has been thought that a woman couldn’t win The Biggest Loser. Every season, women have said that they were going to be the first woman to win, but this time, Ali did it!


If you want to see Jillian and Bob talk about the finalist before they found out who won:

Via: First Woman, Ali Vincent, Wins Biggest Loser | TV Crunch


Quote of the Month: April 2008

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Non-descript black cover from FlickrIf you are one of the many people who have bought a Starling Fitness Yearly Journal, then you know that the quote of the month is about beauty. If not, you can see the quote here:

Beauty isn’t something on the outside. It’s your insides that count! You gotta eat green stuff to make sure you’re pretty on the inside.

Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata, Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005

Do you have a plan to eat the healthy foods that will help you be beautiful on the inside as well as the outside? Adding five servings of vegetables to your diet every day not only will give you the essential vitamins and minerals that you need, they will give you a feeling of fullness. You’ll be less likely to binge on unhealthy foods with a tummy full of healthy veggies.

If you would like to order your own Starling Fitness Yearly Journal, you can do so here:

If you order it now, you can choose the month you want it to start and it will last you a year from that date. You won’t have to throw away any unused days from the first of the year. You can start fresh now.


Two Heel Drive: Murietta Falls

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Gushing at the gulch from Flickr

Once again, Tom Mangan shows us why it’s important to keep physically fit: so you can hike the beautiful trails of Murietta Falls and enjoy the splendor.

Here is his description of how to get there:

For those unfamiliar with the pleasures of hiking to Murietta Falls: It’s about six miles one way from the Lichen Bark Picnic Area at Del Valle Regional Park near Livermore. Getting there entails one epic climb on from the parking lot to Rocky Ridge, then going downhill to Williams Gulch, then slogging up for another epic climb on the Big Burn (steep, yes, but also one of the prettiest stretches of single-track trail in the East Bay.) After that you go back down a few hundred feet in a mile to the Falls, including a harrowing bit of iffy footing just before you reach the base.

Then you go back the way you came. A side trip along the Rocky Ridge Trail adds about a mile each way, but you avoid a really steep patch of trail and get some great scenery.

You can see all his photos here:


Get Into That Swimsuit This Summer: Week 5

By Laura Moncur @ 12:27 pm — Filed under:

Shape fx Slimming square-neck tank suit at Amazon.comThis is the final week where I will give you step by step instructions on how to get into a swimsuit this summer. If you’re short on time, scroll down to the end and read “The Short Version” to get your weekly tips.

If you haven’t been following along with the program, there is still time to get into that swimsuit this summer. Go back to Week 1 and get started there:

If you HAVE been following along, your job last week was to wear your swimsuit alone at the pool. How did that work out? Did you take a couple of hours just for yourself to relax at the pool and test out your suit while it’s wet? If so, give yourself kudos and move on to this week’s final adventure.

Go Swimming With Friends or Family

This is the week that you test out your suit with trusted friends or family members. Don’t bring along the person who will make fun of you. Only bring supportive people who will have a good time with you.

Don’t tell them that you are there to evaluate your new swimming suit. Just tell them that you want to get ready for the summer season and go swimming with them all before the pool/beach gets crowded.

Have FUN!

This isn’t all about getting used to your suit. The whole reason why you want to have a swimming suit that you love is because you don’t want to miss out on the fun. Whether it’s water-skiing, snorkeling, boogie boarding or just splashing around in the community pool, you want to be where the fun is, so make sure you have a swimming suit that works for you.

Evaluate The Suit

How did it work out? Did anyone mention something that you might have missed? Did people compliment you? How did it feel when you were swimming, lying on your towel or laughing with friends? Did it work? Yes? Great! Then you’re set for the summer.

If it didn’t work out, however, there is still time for you to get back into the store and start all over with Week 1 again. You deserve to have a swimming suit that looks good, feels good and covers you well this summer. Don’t let yourself miss out on all the fun just because of a yard of fabric. Get out there and enjoy the summer!

The Short Version:

  • Give yourself kudos for getting this far.

  • Go swimming with friends or family.

  • Bring only supportive friends and family. Leave the person who makes fun of you at home.

  • Evaluate your suit. If it’s not perfect, go back to week 1 and try again. There is enough time to break in another suit if you have to before summer.


Get Into That Swimsuit This Summer: Week 4

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Shape fx Slimming square-neck tank suit at Amazon.comEach week, I will give you step by step instructions on how to get into a swimsuit this summer. If you’re short on time, scroll down to the end and read “The Short Version” to get your weekly tips.

If you haven’t been following along with the program, there is still time to get into that swimsuit this summer. Go back to Week 1 and get started there:

If you HAVE been following along, your job last week was to wear your swimsuit while you cleaned house.

How did that work? Did anything fall out? Did your sarong stay on? Do you trust the swimming suit’s ability to stay on your body during extreme work conditions? If not, buy a different one. If so, move on to this week’s challenge.

Wear Your Swim Suit in a Swimming Pool

I know it’s a radical departure, but at some point, you are going to have to test the suit out at a pool. My recommendation is to go to a pool on the other side of town or even at a hotel in your own town. You are less likely to see anyone you know at those places and you can test your suit in relative privacy.

Go Alone

This isn’t about having fun with the family. If you need to, get a sitter. This is YOUR time this week and you only need to be gone for an hour or two. You deserve two hours to yourself out of the 168 hours in a week. If you can’t take two hours to yourself in a week, you have bigger problems than swimsuit issues. Get help from friends, family or services so you can spend two hours to yourself.

Don’t Use The Gym Pool

This isn’t about exercise. This is about learning how to relax and enjoy yourself in your swimsuit. Don’t use the gym pool, even though it’s free. It’s better to get the adrenaline rush from sneaking into a hotel pool than to test your newly beloved swim suit at the gym. The BEST option would be to actually check into a hotel for an entire night of solitude and enjoyment, but if that’s not an option for you, make sure you go somewhere that feels as relaxing as it can be.

This is the week to really test drive your suit, so enjoy your hour or two in the pool.

The Short Version:

  • Evaluate your current swim suit. Do you trust it to stay on your body? If not, buy a different one. If so, move on to this week’s challenge.

  • Wear your swim suit in a swimming pool.

  • Go alone.

  • Don’t use the gym pool. Find a place that feels luxurious and relaxing.


Kelly Shear Lost 121 Pounds

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Joy Bauer is the nutritionist for the Today Show’s Joy Fit Club. Here is a success story:

Kelly Shear lost a total of 121 pounds, leaving her at a size 6. Joy Bauer goes through and explains how Kelly is eating differently now. Kelly has become a member of The Joy Fit Club. The funny thing about this club is that you can only join if you’ve already lost your weight.

Twice a month, TODAY inducts a new member into nutritionist Joy’s Bauer’s Fit Club. These are determined people who have lost and kept off 100 pounds or more through diet and exercise.

It’s not like Joy Bauer necessarily helped these people get slim, but she gets to take credit for their accomplishments. When watching the video, I could tell that Joy had absolutely NOTHING to do with Kelly’s weight loss. The newscater asked, “Joy, what did you learn from Kelly’s experience?” As she was asking this question, this look flew across Joy’s face for a micro-second.

Joy BauerShe was obviously not too pleased with how the newscaster worded that phrase. Joy corrected her, saying, “Based on Kelly’s success?” She then spouted the three normal things: food journal, post inspirational pics and photos and don’t beat yourself up.

I guess the thing that bothers me so much is that Joy Bauer offers nothing unless you buy her books. When I scoured her site, there was nothing to tell me what program I should follow or how to get started.

Kelly Shear’s success IS laudable and she should be applauded, but I doubt that Joy Bauer had anything to do with it.


Get Into That Swimsuit This Summer: Week 3

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Shape fx Slimming square-neck tank suit at Amazon.comEach week, I will give you step by step instructions on how to get into a swimsuit this summer. If you’re short on time, scroll down to the end and read “The Short Version” to get your weekly tips.

If you haven’t been following along with the program, it’s not too late to join in. Go back and do week 1 and 2’s assignments this week and you’ll only be a week behind.

If you HAVE been following along, your job last week was to wear your swimsuit around the house for an hour each day, totaling seven hours for last week. This week, you only need to wear your swimsuit and sarong for only about three hours. There’s only one catch.

You have to wear your swimsuit while you clean your house.

It’s best to just plan a three hour stretch so you can do all the normal chores that you might be spreading out over the week for this project. The reason I want you to spend a few hours in your swimming suit cleaning house is because it’s an EXCELLENT test of how your suit will handle something active like swimming, snorkeling or boogie boarding.

Notice how your suit feels when you are doing the following activities:

  • Bending down to pick up laundry.
  • Splashing yourself with water when cleaning the tub.
  • Reaching above your head to put away dishes.
  • Getting on your knees to clean out from under the couch.
  • Sweating as you push the vacuum.

Whatever you normally do while cleaning, do it wearing your swimsuit and sarong. This will show you how well it will handle the beach or pool. Does the sarong keep falling off? If it does, you either need to learn a new way to tie it, a handy way to keep it attached or a new one. Does any intimate part of your body fall out when you are reaching or bending? Then you probably chose a suit that’s too tight and you need to go back to week one’s exercise. Save the tight suit for when you are thinner, but get a suit that fits you NOW.

If you feel a little embarrassed doing the house cleaning in your swimming suit, pretend that you are an island maid in Hawaii. If you were visiting Hawaii and a maid showed up at your door in a swim suit and sarong, you probably wouldn’t be that surprised. Imagine that you are cleaning a Hawaiian bungalow and enjoy your three hours testing out your suit.

The Short Version:

  • Wear your swimming suit while you clean your house this week (at least three hours).

  • If any intimate part of your body falls out of the suit when you are cleaning, buy a bigger suit.


Get Into That Swimsuit This Summer: Week 2

By Laura Moncur @ 5:05 am — Filed under:

Shape fx Slimming square-neck tank suit at Amazon.comEach week, I will give you step by step instructions on how to get into a swimsuit this summer. If you’re short on time, scroll down to the end and read “The Short Version” to get your weekly tips.

Last week’s job was to buy a swimming suit. Did you do it? There’s still time to get into that swim suit by summer, but you need to act now. If you didn’t buy your suit and lovely sarong last week, get to the store TODAY and buy one now and then proceed with this week’s task.

If you did buy a swimming suit, the first thing you need to do is give yourself kudos. Good job for taking that first step to feeling like a goddess this summer.

This week’s challenge is simple. Wear your swim suit around the house for a total of seven hours. Now, you can do this however you want. If you want to come home from work each night and wear it for an hour, you can. If you want to wear it for seven hours in one sitting, that’s fine. However you want to do it is fine with me.

Personally, I think the best thing to do is wear it for an hour each night. That slowly eases you into the idea of wearing your swim suit.

Note that no one needs to see you wearing your suit. No family, friends or lovers need to glimpse you wearing it. You can put it on, lock yourself in the closet reading a book for an hour if you want. You don’t need to leave your room or bathroom.

You DO have to be conscious, however. Wearing your swimming suit to bed really won’t do the trick unless you like to lounge around in your P.J.s for an hour before you go to bed.

That’s all you have to do. Wear your suit for a total of seven hours this week. Have fun and see you next week!

The Short Version:

  • Give yourself kudos for buying a swim suit last week.

  • Wear your swimming suit around the house for a total of seven hours this week. Recommended: Wear for an hour each day this week.

  • No one needs to see you. You can lock yourself in the closet, your bedroom or even the bathroom as long as you wear your suit for the allotted time.

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