
Failure Is Not An Option

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Last November, we took a trip to Houston to see the NASA control center. They sold these bracelets there.

Failure Is Not An Option

I bought myself one because I had just heard the story about Apollo 13 again.

After four days of nail-biting tension, the Apollo 13 command module Odyssey splashed down into the Pacific Ocean. Astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert had safely returned to Earth despite an explosion that took out much of their service module during their aborted trip to the Moon.

Apollo 13

And although he never actually said the words back then, it was the Kranz character in the Ron Howard movie “Apollo 13,” who said aloud what everyone at NASA believed during those tough days in 1970: “Failure is not an option.”

Every time my workout gets a little hard or I’m tempted to eat when I don’t really feel hungry, I look at this bracelet. Failure is NOT an option. Keep on running. Walk away from that dessert. Get enough sleep and drink another glass of water.


Fall Save

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

I am so impressed by this video of an Olympic skier’s fall save.

Skiing Fall Save

If you are thinking of skipping a workout or eating more than your program has allowed, remember this skier. Instead of falling, do your best to stay on track, even if that means waggling your arms and riding down the hill on one ski for an incredibly long time. Do everything you can to stay upright.

And if you do fall, get up immediately, brush yourself off and start trekking down the hill again.

Video via: * Your daily gif blog *: Skiing Fall Save


Monday Music Motivation: Week Three

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

For the next few weeks every Monday, I’ll share a playlist of songs that I have in my Workout Playlist on my iPhone. I’ll include clips to listen to, where you can buy them and why I have them in my list. Just so you know, I do get a portion of the sales of these songs from Amazon, so if you buy them, you’re helping me out.

Shake It by Metro Station: I got this song for free from iTunes. I know the verses have nothing to do with working out, but the chorus sings, “Sha-sha-sha-sha-shake it!” over and over! How could that song NOT be on my workout playlist?!

Hard Currency by Information Society: A couple of years ago, the New York Times had an article about how being overweight can cost you not only in insurance premiums and medical bills, but in lower wages: Extra Weight, Higher Costs – New York Times. For my BMI at the time, it estimated that I would save five thousand dollars a year if I just got to my goal weight. That’s why this song is on my workout playlist, to remind me that I will be $5000 richer when I get to my goal.

Your Body Is A Temple by Argonaut: This song was one of Mike’s and it came up on a shuffle play once. I immediately added it to my workout playlist. With a preacher yelling, “And the bible says that your body is the temple!” it was a shoe-in!

Skinny Jeans by SkinnySongs: This week’s song from the Skinny Songs album is about getting back to a thin weight. It doesn’t really talk to me because I’ve never been at goal in my adult life. I like the song, though!

Walk Away by Kelly Clarkson: This song is on the list because it has the phrase “Walk Away” in it. It’s a high energy song that gets me moving and I like to walk at 4.0 mph while hearing her telling me to keep walking.

Work 01 by Front 242: This song is mostly an instrumental song. Long before The Matrix made music like this popular, Front 242 was making me run. You’ll have to ignore the “another mutilated body” voice overs and just concentrate on the “Is this the kind of work you’d like to do” voiceovers instead.

Don’t Give Up by Chicane: All a good workout song needs is a fast beat and one good lyric. This song has “Don’t Give Up” and a beat that will get your feet moving!

A Little Less Conversation by Elvis vs JXL: I absolutely love this song. With lyrics like, “A little less conversation. A little more action,” it reminds me that I can’t just talk about exercising. I need to DO it!

Running by No Doubt: This is a great cool down song, but I also like listening to it when I’m running. The chorus says, “Running, running, as fast as I can. Do you think we’ll make it? We’re running, keep holding my hand, so we don’t get separated.”

Listen to the clips for these songs. If you find just one song this week that motivates you to exercise, then buy it and make it your powersong when you’re working out this week. I bet you’ll find that you’re more willing to get your butt to the gym and your workouts are easier.


Monday Music Motivation: Week Two

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

For the next few weeks every Monday, I’ll share a playlist of songs that I have in my Workout Playlist on my iPhone. I’ll include clips to listen to, where you can buy them and why I have them in my list. Just so you know, I do get a portion of the sales of these songs from Amazon, so if you buy them, you’re helping me out.

Your Attention by Blue Man Group: This song is fast moving, so it’s great to run to. It also reminds me that I need to be present in the moment. “Your attention, please. Please yell if you are paying attention!” It just makes me want to yell!

Strong Enough by Cher: I know this song is about surviving a cheating no-good husband like Sony Bono, but she keeps saying that she’s strong enough. It’s like an anthem for all those people who want to stop working out as soon as they start. I like to think of the old me who didn’t want to exercise is the person who’s “gotta to go.”

Move Your Body by Eiffel 65: Before auto-tune became a pop music staple, Eiffel 65 released an entire album with it. I love this one because it makes me want to move, even if I’m sitting still. It works wonders when I’m feeling like quitting.

Salad Wrap by Sniper Twins: When I first discovered this song, I wrote about it here: Starling Fitness » Salad Wrap [Shake That Salad] by Sniper Twins. I love this song because it fools me into believing that it’s cool to eat salad.

Jump In The Pool by Friendly Fires: I have no idea where I heard about this song. I love the sound of the music. Just hearing them saying, “Jump in the… jump in the…” over and over makes me want to take big jumps on my treadmill.

Fergalicious by Fergie: I have this song in my workout playlist for ONE line in the song, “My body stay vicious, I be up in the gym, just workin’ on my fitness.” Just hearing that Fergie needs to workout to stay beautiful reminds me that I have to as well.

Move Your Feet by Junior Senior: This song can be a little repetitive, but it sure keeps my feet movin’! “Don’t stop the beat! Can’t control the feet! People in the street, come on everybody and move your feet!”

I’m A Hottie Now by SkinnySongs: This week’s selection from Skinny Songs is a great way to imagine how life will be when I get thin.

Dare To Be Stupid by Weird Al Yankovic: My love for Weird Al Yankovic is well known and one of the reasons is this song. Whenever I feel like exercise makes me look dumb (especially when I’m not doing well), this song reminds me that it’s okay to dare to be stupid.

Listen to the clips for these songs. If you find just one song this week that motivates you to exercise, then buy it and make it your powersong when you’re working out this week. I bet you’ll find that you’re more willing to get your butt to the gym and your workouts are easier.


Sara Rue And Jenny Craig

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

People Magazine has a monthly feature called Body Watch. A couple of months ago, they interviewed Sara Rue, current star of Eastwick. More importantly, she was Leonard’s girlfriend for a while on Big Bang Theory and I wish she could have stuck around a little longer. I first saw her on the TV show, Popular, as the effervescent Carmen, but she has been acting since she was nine years old.

You can imagine my surprise when she announced that she was joining Jenny Craig to lose weight.

Click to see full size

I’ve always felt a kinship to Sara Rue. She was the fat girl in Popular, who could dance better than everyone else and wanted to be a cheerleader. I was that girl and I LOVED that she got her chance to shine. Every time I see her in a movie or TV show, I feel like she is making a statement for all of us.

Does that change if she loses the weight?

Seriously. If she loses weight and gets back to that figure she had in 2005, will she still make me happy just to see her? Will she still be making a statement for us all?

YES! A thousand times, YES!

If Sara Rue is able to get to her goal weight, whether she uses Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers or goes back to that low carb diet from before, she is a stark reminder to all of us that it’s possible. She isn’t some actress who gained a little weight when her marriage hit rock bottom (yes, I’m talking to you, Valerie Bertinelli). She was a fat kid. She was a fat teen and now, she’s a fat adult. When she gets to her goal weight, we’ll all be there cheering for her as much as we cheered for Carmen when she finally made the cheerleading squad.

Here is a video of her talking about her decision.

I am embarking on this journey to be a happier healthier woman and I’m doing it publicly because I think that there are a lot of women out there that have felt like me over the years and if I can be an inspiration to just one other person, then I’ve done my job in the world.

I love how she talks about her goals.

I would love to put on a blindfold, walk into my closet and just grab anything and know that it’s going to fit, put it on and feel okay in it. That kind of freedom is something that I really crave.

YES! That is EXACTLY how I’d like to feel. Sure, right now, I can put anything on in my closet, but I NEVER feel okay in it. It’s always just clothes on my body and I haven’t felt like I looked good in my clothes for so long.

It’s possible to do this. I’m starting to believe that, and that little kernel of belief is so exciting to me. There’s something where it’s not a crash diet where I’m going to lose all this weight and white knuckle it until I gain it back. It’s a lifestyle choice. I’m learning to eat like a normal person, which I’ve never known how to do. The idea of waking up and not having to worry about food is a huge weight off my shoulders.

Sara Rue is keeping a video blog for Jenny Craig. Here is the first entry:

I wish her the best of luck with this new endeavor and I just want her to know that all of us fat girls are watching and hoping it works for her.


Monday Music Motivation: Week One

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

For the next few weeks every Monday, I’ll share a playlist of songs that I have in my Workout Playlist on my iPhone. I’ll include clips to listen to, where you can buy them and why I have them in my list. Just so you know, I do get a portion of the sales of these songs from Amazon, so if you buy them, you’re helping me out.

You Can Always Be Number One (Sport Goofy Anthem) by Disney’s Splashdance: I talked about this song before, but right now this is the song that is number one on my playlist. I listen to it EVERY time I exercise because it keeps me from getting discouraged when I can’t do as much as I’d like. You can read more about it here: Starling Fitness » You Can Always Be Number One.

Bodyrock by Moby: This song has a strong beat, so it’s easy to run to. There aren’t many lyrics, but they get you moving, “Rock ya’all, no stop ya’ll, to the beat ya’all, the bodyrock ya’ll.”

Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk: I’ve talked about this song TWICE before: Starling Fitness » Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger and Starling Fitness » Hard Body Videos for Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. This song was my powersong for a LONG time, so seeing it in my workout list is a no-brainer.

Move Any Mountain by The Shamen: This song is from a little-known band in the early Nineties that I have loved for a long time. It has a great beat to run to and with lyrics like, “I will not fail nor falter, I shall succeed. My perception is altered I do believe. Faith is so strong now nothing shall bar my way.” Ignore the white-guy rapping, and it’s a perfect song.

Work Hard by Depeche Mode: “You’ve got to work hard if you want anything at all.” With a message like that, it’s a wonder that this song isn’t my powersong.

Objects In The Mirror by SkinnySongs: I’ve talked about this album of songs TWICE before: Starling Fitness » SkinnySongs: Inspirational Music For Your Workouts and Starling Fitness » Redbook Finally Notices Skinny Songs. If you have trouble getting into the gym to exercise, this song will be your theme song.

Stronger by Britney Spears: It has become the sport of the media to make fun of Britney Spears, but they have forgotten why they noticed her in the first place. I love this song. Not only does the beat keep my feet moving on the treadmill, but the lyrics remind me that I’m stronger than I remember and I can keep going.

Work That Body by Rupaul: Rupaul has a television show called Drag Race and he’s riding high, but he has been around for a LONG time. I love this song from his album, Foxy Lady. It sounds very disco, but all that counting with the voices singing “Reach, Stretch, Push, Up” really keeps me going.

Everything You Know Is Wrong by Weird Al Yankovic: This song is kind of silly and verses sing about everything EXCEPT working out (unless you count the Almighty running past your room in heaven). The chorus, however, reminds me that sometimes I believe things that aren’t true. If I’m feeling like I can’t finish my workout, listening to this song is really good at showing me that I might be wrong.

Listen to the clips for these songs. If you find just one song this week that motivates you to exercise, then buy it and make it your powersong when you’re working out this week. I bet you’ll find that you’re more willing to get your butt to the gym and your workouts are easier.


David Elmore Smith’s 401 Pound Weight Loss

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

This video is an incredibly inspiring story about David Elmore Smith’s weight loss of 401 pounds from ABC’s 20/20. The best part is that he lost it by eating well and exercising, NOT with weight loss surgery, although he DID have surgery to remove the extra skin.

I love how Chris Powell, his trainer, said, “Don’t give up on me and I won’t give up on you.”

That is how we should all look at this. If we don’t give up on ourselves, our loved ones won’t give up on us.


Fitness Magazine Review: January 2010

By Laura Moncur @ 12:23 pm — Filed under:

Fitness Magazine: January 2010Fitness Magazine provided me with a complimentary subscription in exchange for a monthly review of their magazine.

January’s issue showed up in my mailbox almost a month ago, but the only article that has really stuck with me was The FITNESS Top 100 Workout Songs of 2009. It was a great article showcasing the songs that are great for working out that came out last year. It reminded me that I haven’t shared my workout playlists with you.

I’ve been gathering songs that really inspire me to work out for years. I’ve talked about a few of them here and there, but I’ve never shared my playlists with you, so I’ll be doing that over the next few weeks.

Fitness Magazine: January 2010

For now, click on over to Fitness Magazine’s Top 100 Workout Songs of 2009 and find some motivation to get on treadmill!


Michelle Aguilar Talks About Her Weight Loss Journey

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Michelle Aguilar was the winner of The Biggest Loser back in 2008. You can read about it here:

I’m not a religious person, so this little video clip really had the potential to just turn me off. Depending on your tolerance for God Talk, this may or may not be inspiring to you.

The idea of giving your problems over to a higher power has been incredibly motivating to many people. I never write about that aspect of motivation because it just doesn’t work for me, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. If you are having trouble staying with your eating and exercise program, try having a heart to heart talk with your preferred deity and see if that helps you hold on for one more day.


Why Do Skinny People Hate Fat People? REDUX

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

A while ago, I wrote an entry called Why Do Skinny People Hate Fat People? and the crux of my argument was that people DON’T hate fat people.

Then the comments began piling up:

As a firefighter, I am called upon almost daily to help lift obese people who have just got to low to the ground that they cannot get themselves up. No other reason except they are just to big to lift themselves. I tore out a rotator on one of these lifts, and had to have sugary to get it fixed.

I’m sorry, fat people are disgusting. Humans were not intended to carry so much weight on their bodies. It sickens me to see so many Americans defending their fatness and acting as if it is natural. As the firefighter mentioned earlier, they are stressing our healthcare system, costing us billions of dollars, and lowering the quality of life for millions of people.

I wouldn’t know, but I guess it’s the shame of being fat that causes fat people to make up so many excuses for their indulgent lifestyles and excessive critical mass. The reason why skinny, athletic, muscular people all hate fat people is because you constantly villainize every healthy group of individuals in a desperate attempt to justify your gluttonous lifestyle and resultant unattractive and unhealthy physique.

Funny how the fatty fat mc lardos on here feel it necessary to write an essay length discourse explaining how THEY are the ones who are truly happy and how healthy people are secretly miserable underneath their seemingly more happy and fulfilling lives.

Fat people disgust me. Like mentioned above, our bodies were not built to hold that much excess. People say I’m judgemental and stereotypical when it comes to stuff like this. And I am. I judge you because you are destroying your body; I stereotype you because every single fat person that walks the earth is too lazy to become healthy.

This is just a small sampling of the comments. That entry has MANY comments on this subject and I actually deleted a lot of the really rude ones. So, the verdict is out.

Skinny people DO hate fat people, but why?!

Gluttony Is A Sin

Evagrius PonticusWe can thank the 4th century monk, Evagrius Ponticus, for devising the Seven Deadly Sins and including gluttony on the list (kind of an easy choice for such a skinny guy). From that day, being overweight became an undesirable thing. There are people who are atheists who still staunchly believe that gluttony is a sin. THAT’S how ingrained this idea is in our collective unconscious.

Ironically, the idea that gluttony is a bad thing has some valid points. I wrote about it here:

There is an assumption that fat people are gluttonous. While overeating CAN contribute to obesity, that’s not necessarily the case.

Fat People Are Lazy

I don’t know how the idea that fat people are lazy came about. Even scientific explanations to the causes of obesity link it to sedentary lifestyle. There is a strong correlation to the fact that if people exercise more, they lose weight, so people tend to assume that those who are overweight don’t exercise. This assumption is generalized into the idea that fat people are lazy. It’s not necessarily true, but that’s what people believe.

Burden to Society

Many of the comments I received mentioned that fat people are a burden to society. The most notable was the firefighter complaining about lifting overweight people who have fallen, yet he probably never mentioned the aged who are in the same situation. Society says it’s alright to hate fat people, but not the elderly, so he doesn’t feel put upon by the old people who have fallen and can’t get up.

Others feel that fat people have more medical bills and burden society in that manner. Still others feel that just having to look at fat people is a burden. They say that fat people “cost us billions of dollars.”

It’s Kinda Gross, Dude

As much as I don’t like to admit it, it’s hard to deny that severe obesity is kind of gross. It affects our disgust reaction on a guttural level. I hate to say it, but I have had that reaction to photographs of fat people, despite my belief in fat acceptance. After reading and deleting hundreds of comments saying just that, it was a shocking surprise to me that so many people have this response.

This might not be something that is in our control. The feeling of revulsion could be a response deep down in our genes telling us that mating with an overweight person would not produce healthy offspring. This idea has been argued by scientists, but no proof of it has been posited.

The hard truth, however, is that some people are disgusted by the obese.

It’s Not Healthy

The ones who won’t say these other things to your face will ALWAYS fall back on the fact that being overweight isn’t healthy. I know that it’s more difficult for me to climb stairs. I know that I don’t feel as well as I did when I was close to my goal weight. I cannot argue with these people. I don’t think being overweight is healthy, either.

So, They Hate Me…

The HONEST truth is, there are people out there who hate fat people. They HATE them. They write scathing comments extolling how MUCH they hate them. They list their reasons with poor grammar and atrocious spelling, but the truth of the matter is, they hate fat people.

These people are making decisions about you without even getting to know you. They might even be in positions of power over you. They could be your teachers, advisors, bosses or peers. They decide things about you just by looking at you.

Sometimes, whether you’re fat or thin can decide your success. This is a hard truth and I can’t make it any softer. With these people, you’ll have to work ten times harder to prove you’re not lazy. You can never have a sick day without being considered a burden to the group. You will never be considered a viable love interest.

Unless you lose weight…

You can’t change their minds. I believe in Fat Acceptance, but it’s not working. These people are vitriolic and adamant in their hate and sometimes they are in charge.

There are only two ways to deal with these kinds of people: cut them out of your life or lose weight. More importantly, you never know WHO these people are. Since they are only willing to say these horrible things when they are anonymous, it’s nearly impossible to know if a person who has significant control of your life is a person who HATES fat people.

I’ve never known a better reason to lose weight. They are out there, judging you and some of them control your destiny. Don’t give them an excuse to count you out.

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