
I Am An Action Figure

By Laura Moncur @ 9:40 am — Filed under:

I LOVE this advertisement. It was for some body building protein powder and I’d never buy that product, but that ad is GREAT for motivation.

I am an action figure

Sometimes when I just can’t get the motivation to exercise, I like to think of myself as a hero. I have to train in order to be ready for when the action hits. Would I be able to run away if I needed to? Would I be strong enough to fight my way free? Thinking about these things makes it a little easier to do my workout.

The next time you’re considering skipping your workout, remember this ad and think of yourself as an action figure.


Make Yourself

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

I love these advertisements from Nike. They encourage me to be strong, to let myself shine and to become fit. Sometimes I need encouragement like this and these are the perfect ads to tear out of a magazine and put on my wall right in front of the treadmill.

Make Yourself Strong

Make Yourself Shine

Make Yourself Fit

Next time you’re feeling a little uninspired to exercise, print up these ads and look at them while you get your butt going.


Keep Your Goals To Yourself

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Remember in yesterday’s post when I said that things always work out better for me if I am my own cheerleader? It turns out that there is science behind the idea of keeping your goals to yourself. This talk from Derek Sivers at the TED conference explains it:

Think of your personal biggest goal. Imagine deciding right now that you’re going to do it. Imagine telling someone that you meet today what you’re going to do. Imagine their congratulations and their high image of you. Doesn’t it feel good to say it out loud? Don’t you feel one step closer already like it’s already becoming part of your identity? Well, bad news. You should have kept your mouth shut, because that good feeling will make you less likely to do it.

That backfiring of every compliment I receive when I lose weight is something that happens to ALL of us. Announcing our goals makes us feel like we’ve actually accomplished them, so from now on, I’m keeping my mouth SHUT!


Be Your Own Cheerleader

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Be Your Own CheerleaderWhenever I get back on track, I tell everyone that I know that I am back to eating healthy and that I need a little encouragement. All the people who love me are really good at cheering me on, but there is something about getting that feedback that backfires on me. After every compliment and every positive remark, I lose steam. I don’t know what it is about having a cheerleader that makes me slack off, but I’ve definitely noticed a pattern.

This time, I’ve kept my mouth shut.

I’ve been working on the simplest of things: tracking my food every day, staying within my caloric restrictions and following five out of my seven healthy habits every day. If I do all three, I get another day added to my “food sobriety.” I’ve been food sober for over ten days now, but I haven’t really talked about it with anyone. Having a family of cheerleaders isn’t nearly as helpful for me as being my own cheerleader.

If you have noticed that every time you tell someone about your eating plan, you blow it, then try NOT telling anyone anything. Maybe you’ll see more success if you be your own cheerleader.


Let’s Move Campaign

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Michelle Obama Let's Move CampaignI love Michelle Obama for her style and her grace, but I love her even more for the Let’s Move Campaign. They have great tips for parents:

  • Keep fresh fruit in a bowl within your child’s reach to grab as a quick snack: I would add that you need to clarify to your children that it’s okay to eat the fruit, even if you eat the last piece. Assure them that you’ll keep it full for them.
  • Take a walk with your family after dinner: Or a bike ride or play a game of basketball. Whatever kind of activity you do together that gets the blood pumping is awesome.
  • Plan a menu for the week. Get children involved in planning and cooking: This is essential. Not only does it teach your children about eating healthy, you teach them important life skills. How many college students are out there who don’t know how to cook anything but mac and cheese? Your kid won’t be one of them.
  • Turn off the TV during meals and share some family time: This is a great way to teach children how to savor the food they’re eating, but it also gives them time to talk with you. I can’t count the number of times I overate because I didn’t have anyone to talk to about my problems.
  • Talk to the principal about organizing a school health team: This is the only tip that seems lame. I don’t want the school getting involved. There were so many times that the five food groups talk at school devolved into a teacher commenting on my weight that I think schools should just mind their own business.

Remember that children look to YOU for their role models. If you are eating healthy and exercising regularly, they’ll want to parrot your actions. The first step toward healthy children is healthy adults.


Sara Rue Lost 50 Pounds on Jenny Craig

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

Click to see full sizeIn January, Sara Rue started on Jenny Craig in the hopes of getting back to her 2005 weight. I talked about it here:

Although I’m sure it didn’t feel quick to her, nine short months have flown by and she is now at goal and looking AWESOME! I haven’t followed Weight Watchers at all during the same time, so I look exactly the same. I am so glad that Jenny Craig worked for her, but at the same time, I’m angry with myself for not doing as well as she has done.

Sara Rue Lost 50 lbs on Jenny Craig

After seeing this advertisement, I seriously thought I should join Jenny Craig. Unfortunately, they don’t have a gluten-free option, so I can’t follow their program. Mike was very pragmatic about it. He told me:

If you want to know what it’s like to lose weight on Jenny Craig, just restrict yourself to eating Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones for every meal.

The thought of doing that made me feel immediately deprived and I realized once again that Weight Watchers is the best plan for me because I can work any food into my program instead of relying on prepackaged meals.

Now, I just need to religiously follow Weight Watchers just as faithfully as Sara followed Jenny Craig and I’ll be able to see the same results as her.


Keanu Reeves: Classic Motivation

By Laura Moncur @ 1:39 pm — Filed under:

The next time you’re considering skipping your workout or eating something that isn’t on your plan, remember this photo of Keanu Reeves:

Keanu Reeves Ages Well

Sure, he looks a little older, but because he has stayed so physically fit, he is a doppelganger to his former self. If you are missing your former self, remember that you can look almost as young as you used to be by getting to a healthy weight.

Photo via: Classic Keanu – ROFLrazzi


Kudos to Seventeen Magazine: Body Peace Treaty

By Laura Moncur @ 11:00 am — Filed under:

I want to give a shout-out to Seventeen Magazine for their Body Peace Treaty. You can see it here:

Seventeen Body Peace Treaty

You can read more inspiration here:

They were even featured on Huge (one of the best shows this summer):

Update 09-15-10: Here are some screenshots from Huge, where they sign the Body Peace Treaty.

Sign the Body Peace Treaty on Huge

Sign the Body Peace Treaty on Huge


Long Suffering

By Laura Moncur @ 8:16 am — Filed under:

Long SufferingI grew up in the Jehovah Witness faith. Although I left the church the day I turned twelve, I still think about their philosophies quite often. The Jehovah Witnesses considered the ability to be long suffering a virtue. I always thought that was moronic because if there is something making you suffer, I always felt that you should FIX the problem. Get out of the situation or solve the problem that is causing the suffering. Doing anything else is idiotic.

Instead of long suffering, they should have called that virtue endurance. Having the ability to last longer than everyone else can mean the difference between finishing the race and quitting at the first water station. Endurance is the difference between getting to my goal weight and stopping twenty pounds away, slowly gaining it all back.

I finally understand long suffering and it’s a virtue that I finally agree with wholly and completely. The next time you’re thinking of quitting, remember the virtue of long suffering and hold on for just a little longer.


Got What You’ve Got And Doing What You’re Not

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

This advertisement really inspired me.

Got What You Got

It reads:

“Someone who’s got what you’ve got is out doing what you’re not.”

I know it was made for an advert for asthma medication, but the truth is, we ALL have our excuses and trials. We ALL have disabilities that we have convinced ourselves are true.

  • I have a shoulder injury, so I can’t weight train.
  • I am so overweight that exercise is impossible for me.
  • I can’t eat vegetables, they hurt my stomach.
  • I have weak knees, so I can’t exercise.
  • I don’t have the money for a gym membership.
  • I’m a big person. I can’t eat like a rabbit for the rest of my life.
  • I’m busy. I don’t have the time to eat healthy and exercise.

I have heard all of these excuses and FAR more. There are ways around every single one of these excuses and there are people out there with shoulder injuries, bad stomachs, weak knees, little money and high BMIs who are losing weight, keeping healthy and working out every day. EVERYBODY has something that keeps them overweight, but the thin people find ways to work around those excuses.

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