
Question of the Week: Turn Back Time

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Sometimes I think that if I had lived my younger years differently that eating healthy would be easier now.

If you could change something in your past that has affected your weight and health, what would it be?

What are you doing right now that you could change that would make your future easier?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


Support Buddy Walk

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Exercise is a fun and enjoyable way to keep healthy for everyone. The Buddy Walk is trying to raise awareness about Downs Syndrome and sponsors walks all over the country. You can find one to volunteer for here:

Encouraging exercise for all members of our society makes our world healthier on a whole. Give the Buddy Walk in your area a little of your time and you will profit more from it than you will every know.


Fat Chance: A Beauty Pageant For The Fabulous and Thick

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Mo'NiqueI hadn’t heard of Fat Chance until I found this review from Rudd’s Sound Bites. Mo’Nique is sponsoring a beauty pagent for fabulous and thick women. I think it’s absolutely wonderful!

Stephanie believes that the show is not quite comfortable in its skin, but it has moments that are inspiring:

“There is one contestant, the African-American security guard Tiffany Jones, who does not don a wig to cover her short blond cut. MoNique says she couldn’t allow Tiffany to cover up her own beauty, and Tiffany answers that she is thrilled not to have to hide her hair or tattoos to be beautiful.”

If you missed the show, you can see clips from it on Oxygen Network’s official website for the show:

For more information about Mo’Nique and her sassy attitude, see her official website:

Remember, loving yourself just the way you are is the first step toward living a healthy life. Shows like Fat Chance are a way to learn to love yourself and be able to commit to living a healthier and stronger life.


Question of the Week: How To Exercise AND Have Fun

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

A while back, I wrote an entry about exercise:

Just last week, I had a comment left on that entry from Mysti:

“Hi I am starting to begin working out again and one of the reasons I quit last time is because I didn’t like my workout. Does anybody have any ideas of some really fun excersizes?”

I because exercise enjoyment is such an individual thing, I really didn’t have an answer for her, so I’m opening up the forum to you:

What exercises do you do?

Are they fun?

What is fun about them?

Why do you like to do them?

Answering these questions on the comments will not only help Mysti, but they will help you, too. If you have to answer, what is fun about your exercise and you don’t have anything to say about it, maybe it’s time to find a new one. If you have a lot to say, that’s wonderful. You suddenly have a list of things to remember about your favorite activity when you’re not feeling like getting started.


Question of the Week: What If Avatars Were Real?

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Yesterday, I did a post about Yahoo! Avatars and how you can make them fat. I redid my avatar to be a more busty version:

My Old Avatar Vs. My New One

What if Avatars were real?

What if you could have any body that you chose?

Would you choose a celebrity body?

Would you keep the one you have, just fitter?

What if they couldn’t make you thin unless you chose a different body?

Would you give up your current body just to be thinner?

What if that meant you had to be stupid? Or cruel? Or boring?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


Question of the Week: Exercising In The Heat

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

The heat has affected my appetite. I don’t really want to eat anything except cold food like fruit and veggies from the fridge, so it has made me eat more healthy. Exercising in this heat however has been difficult. I have been running in the early mornings to avoid the heat that barrels down on our city at about 9am. The sprinklers spray me and I don’t care. They feel good.

What do you do to keep up your exercise routine in the summer?

How has the heat affected your motivation to exercise and eat healthy?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


Question of the Week: What Is Your Routine?

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Having a routine is very helpful when you are losing weight. Having a set schedule when you know you’re supposed to eat or exercise can reinforce positive behavior. Of course, routine can also make eating healthy difficult if you have negative habits programmed into it.

What is your daily routine?

What are the positive aspects of your routine that make eating healthy and exercising easy?

What are the negative aspects of your routine that make eating healthy and exercising difficult?

What can you do to make your routine more positive and your days run smoother?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


Question of the Week: Intimidation

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Sometimes when I walk into the gym, I feel like I don’t belong. I feel like everyone deserves to be there except me. Sometimes I even feel that everyone there is looking at me wondering what the “fat girl” is doing at a gym. Who does she think she’s fooling?

All these thoughts were detrimental to me. Even now, I avoid the gym because of these negative thoughts.

What things have you been thinking that might be interfering with your progress?

Where have you felt intimidated? The gym? The athletic clothing store? The health food store?

What positive thoughts can you tell yourself instead of the negative ones you’ve been feeding your head with?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


I Easily Eat Healthy Every Day

By Laura Moncur @ 11:08 am — Filed under:

I have been repeating this phrase over and over to myself lately:

I Easily Eat Healthy Every Day.

Just like biting my fingernails, there HAS to be a way for me to learn how to eat healthy. I KNOW that I will eventually get to the point where eating healthy is second nature.

Until then, I repeat that affirmation to myself whenever I am alone.

Of course, affirmations don’t work if I don’t.

I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.
Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey Show, 1997


Question of the Week: Family Matters

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Over the weekend, I wrote about a correlation between my bingeing and nail-biting issues and my grandmother. Our family members are tremendous influences on how we feel about our bodies.

What is your first memory?

Were you fat as a child?

If you were, how did you realize that you were fat? Did the kids at school tell you? Did family members tell you? How did your parents or other authority figures treat you?

Do you consider yourself fat now?

When did you decide that you were fat?

Are you fat just because you decided that you were?

Could it all just be a lie? Maybe you’re NOT fat. Is that possible? What do your family members say now?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.

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