Question of the Week: Does Being Thin Make You Happy?
I have wondered for a long time what use it is to be at my goal weight? I remember those rare times when I was thin. I wasn’t any happier back then than I am now. Why should I work so hard to be thin? Gretchen Rubin writes on her weblog, The Happiness Project, that people do feel happier when they feel more attractive:
People are willing to admit that their happiness depends on having friends, feeling close to their family, being satisfied with their work, etc…
But I think there are other elements to happiness as well—elements that we might not want to admit.
And one of those things is feeling attractive.
There have been times when I have felt attractive and they had nothing to do with how much I weighed. Learning to take care of myself and enjoy my appearance no matter what I weigh is an important step toward my goal. There were times when I was thin and beautiful, but I felt fat and bloated. It has nothing to do with how I actually look and has more to do with how I feel.
What can I do to make myself feel better about my appearance?
What will happen if I get to goal weight and I haven’t been able to like my appearance yet?
What if I loved the way I look right now? Would that stall my weight loss? Do I have to lose weight from a point of disgust or can I love the way I look AND lose weight?
How can I feel attractive right now? Is there something I can do with my hair, nails, face or clothing that will improve my opinion of myself?
It seems that I only get fired up when I feel unattractive. The problem with being “fired up,” though, is that I lose weight in such an unhealthy manner that I end up bingeing later. There has to be a better way.