Quote of the Month: November 2007
If you ordered yourself a Starling Fitness Yearly Journal, then you know that the quote of the month for November is:
Of all afflictions, the worst is self-contempt.
– Berthold Auerbach (1812 – 1882)
If you are suffering from being overweight, is that truly your worst affliction? If you are taking medication for diabetes, high blood pressure or any other weight-related diseases, are they really the root of your suffering?
Take a few minutes and write down what you are feeling about your health and whatever afflictions you feel you may have. Is Berthold Auerback right? Is self-contempt the problem? What do you think?
The Quote of the Month is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the month and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.
Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.
To order your own Starling Fitness Yearly Journal, click here: