
Should I take a vitamin “just in case?”

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

If you are eating a healthy diet and following the USDA’s food pyramid, do you need to take a vitamin and mineral supplement? Some organizations say you should, while others say you don’t need to. Who is right? Is it better to just take one “just in caseĀ?” The following article is a very detailed examination of the issue.

Vitamin Supplementation Who Needs What? By Matthew Johnson

This article is provided by the Ortogo Healthy Lifestyle website (a vitamin supplement company), so the information may be weighted toward the use of vitamins. The information provided, however, states the recommendations from many health organizations and is a good basis for information on the issues.


How To Quit Soda

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I quit drinking soda cold turkey on January 26th. It has almost been two months since I started and I thought I would give you folks some pointers on how to become carbonation and caffeine free.



Caffeine Withdrawal

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

A couple of Saturdays ago at my Weight Watcher meeting, the leader did a “back to the basics” meeting. I always find these kind of meetings so helpful to me because when I started, I had a horrible Weight Watcher leader, so my initiation wasn’t the best that the program had to offer.


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