Rude Awakening
After trying to work with the software from FitCentric and failing miserably (incompatible with iFit machines, even though the website says they might work), I loaded my new laptop with i2Workout. Since my old laptop died, I haven’t been using i2Workout, but now that I have a new one, I can easily create a workout and run it on my laptop hooked up to my treadmill.
I pulled up this workout dated 07-11-04. I remembered this workout to be really tough, but I’m so much stronger now, I thought it might be a good interval training for me that wouldn’t be too hard. I loaded it up, connected my laptop to the treadmill and started the run.
This workout kicked my butt!
I was so surprised and a little discouraged that I’m not as strong as I thought I was. It’s two years later, and this workout is still difficult to me. I remembered that my goal was to be able to do this workout without slowing down the high intervals. I was able to do the entire workout without slowing it down, but I’m still a little disappointed. I thought I was so much stronger than I was two years ago, but the truth of the matter is, I’m just barely getting to to the point where I wanted to be so long ago.
This is a reality check for me and I’m so glad that I’m using i2Workout on my treadmill again. I’m so lazy that I usually won’t do an interval workout. This workout will help me grow and maybe get me going a little stronger over the next two years than I have grown in the previous.
If you have an iFit treadmill and are using i2Workout, you can download this workout here:
- i2Workout: Interval Training 07-11-04: i2Workout uses .txt files, so just right click, choose “Save Link As…” and use it with i2Workout. Happy Running!