Rob and Big is a reality television show on MTV. Rob is a professional skateboarder and Big is his bodyguard. A few episodes ago, Big decided to try to lose weight. I had never watched Rob and Big before I heard about this episode. I watched the whole thing on MTV’s website. You can see it here:
At the beginning of the episode, Rob is making fun of how big Big’s shirts are. He stuffs a big ball into one of the shirts and starts imitating Big. After a second or two of that, I just wanted to punch Rob in the face. Blissfully, Big did it for me, pushing him off the bed and onto the floor in one big swipe like a bear pushing away a baby cub. I instantly loved Rob and Big and had to watch the rest of the episode!
Big maxed out the scale they had at home, so Rob took him to Curves to be weighed. Unfortunately, Big maxed out their scale as well, meaning that he definitely weighed more than 400 pounds. That was a surprise even to Big. Rob says, “Extreme weight requires extreme measures,” and takes him to a recycling center to weigh him. He clocks in at 416 pounds. Rob takes him to a hypnotherapist, but Big just falls asleep. Fortunately, the dietician gives Big good advice:
“Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to reprogram you to stop eating when your stomach says it’s full. We’re not going to tell him what to eat or what not to eat. What I want you to do is get little Ziploc bags and take about a 1/2 a cup’s worth of whatever you’re choosing and prepackage them so they’re preportioned. When you’re done, you’re done. At the most, I want you to work out twice a week right now.”
When Rob objects to merely portion control and twice weekly workouts, she’s firm with him,
“I’m going to leave the skateboarding up to you and you leave the nutrition up to me.”
Big tried to leave the nutrition up to her, but Rob bugged him. He ended up working out a lot with Rob. Three weeks later, they returned to the recycling center and what did the scale read? 416.0 lbs. SAME WEIGHT… In desperation, Big goes back to see the nutritionist. She helps him through it,
“Chances are, you’re losing some fat and you’re losing some body weight. Just because it’s not showing up on the scale doesn’t mean that there aren’t changes happening. Continue with your exercise, continue listening to your body and no more scales. And, I want you to go have a burger this week.”
Anyone who has ever had a friend or family member try to “help” them lose weight will find a soft spot for Big and want to punch Rob in the mouth. Don’t listen to the Robs in your life who want you to go to diet boot camp. Listen to the dietician. Eat half of whatever you would normally eat and start working out no more than twice a week. Leave the skateboarding to the Robs in your life and take diet advice from the nutritionist.
Via: Rudd Sound Bites: Rob & Big