Nutrition53: Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie & Sarah Palin Use It?
The most recent Life & Style Magazine has an article about Nutrition53. The founder said that his weight loss shakes are used by Angelina Jolie, Sarah Palin and Britney Spears, taking credit for their latest losses. I find that hard to believe considering what Britney said to Fox News not too long ago:
“My diet has a lot to do with my getting into shape. I have no sugar. I don’t eat fruit or even fruit juice because of the sugar. I eat chicken and salmon and rice. I eat avocados. I’ll have egg whites for breakfast and sometimes turkey burgers for lunch. I try to do just 1,200 calories a day. It may sound like it’s not much, but it’s actually a lot of food if you eat the right things,” she tells the magazine.
Angelina Jolie? According to sources her diet is organic and surprisingly shake free:
Angelina’s menu includes “organic salmon with tomatoes, brown bread and herbs for breakfast, while mackerel or grilled fresh tuna with watercress, spinach tomatoes is typical for lunch or dinner.”
According to the Wall Street Journal, not even Sarah Palin drinks his shakes:
“My family and I eat a healthy diet heavy in wild Alaskan seafood, moose, caribou and fresh fruit,” she says. “I guess my biggest pitfall is breakfast. I know it’s the most important meal of the day but I still haven’t bought into it. I hate to admit it, but a skinny white-chocolate mocha is my staple in the morning.”
Skinny white-chocolate mocha ISN’T one of the shake flavors for Nutrition53. In fact, the entire Life & Style article looks like a paid advertisement to me. I had to check the top and bottom of the pages to make sure it wasn’t.
Next time you’re waiting in line at the checkout counters and the magazines promise you that weight loss is easy with a miracle product, just pass them by.