
Motivate Your Mind And Your Body Will Follow

By Laura Moncur @ 9:45 am — Filed under:

I found this image on Incensus – Motivate the mind, and the body will follow

Motivate Your Mind And Your Body Will Follow from Starling Fitness

It reads:

Motivate your mind and your body will follow.

It’s true. The days when I meditate are easier for me when it comes to eating and exercise. Meditation is just sitting still for fifteen minutes. Logically, it burns hardly any calories, but EVERYTHING is easier for me when I have concentrated on getting my meditation done.

The next time you’re tempted to skip a workout or eat everything in the fridge, take fifteen minutes and do a meditation. Here are some entries that talk about meditations that you can refer to for ideas:


Exercise Is Totally Hard And Stuff

By Laura Moncur @ 7:29 am — Filed under:

I was looking at A New Leaf in Everfree and I found this animated GIF from the game, Animal Crossing.

Exercise Is Totally Hard and Stuff from Starling Fitness

It reads:

Cookie, the lazy dog, says, “Yeah, exercise is totally hard and stuff. I think I’m gonna go take a nap and read a book or whatever.”

It’s true. If you over-do it, like I did for YEARS, exercise is hard and stuff. I have lost 51 pounds NOT over-doing it. I have consciously tried to keep my exercise totally mellow and stuff. My only goal is to move for thirty minutes. The way I’ve achieved that goal is by taking the dog for a walk every day. We average a mere 2.7 mph because Nina is so busy smelling interesting smells. It’s a pathetic workout, one which Cookie could easily do without breaking a sweat.


Part of my problem was that I thought I had to hurt myself to make the workout work. I took to heart the slogan, “No pain. No gain,” when really I should have just enjoyed the view and smelled a few interesting smells.

The next time you are procrastinating your workout because you think you need to go all out or go home, just take a walk. Not a power-walk. Just a simple and easy walk. Make your workouts mellow and stuff and you’ll actually DO them instead of take a nap and read a book or whatever.

I’ve talked about Animal Crossing before here:

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