
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-18

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Get Strong

By Laura Moncur @ 8:22 am — Filed under:

If you need a little inspiration to work on your upper body strength watch this little animated video.

Get Strong

Using only his arms, he appears to be walking on air! The next time you’re thinking of skipping your weight training, remember this guy and imagine yourself being able to do everything that he can do!

Animated GIF via: * Your daily gif blog *: Strength On Display


Inside We’re All Eight Years Old

By Laura Moncur @ 8:00 am — Filed under:

Every time I get out of the habit of eating healthy and exercising, I go back to the basics. I make a list of all the things I want to accomplish every day and give myself a star each time I do it. Seeing the stars pile up is really motivating to me and helps me get back into healthy living. Inside, I’m just a little eight year old girl who desperately wants approval. Aren’t we all?

This time, I’m using Touch Goal [iTunes Link] on my iPhone to keep track of my good habits.

Touch Goal

It’s a HORRIBLE clunky, program that is barely usable, so I’m not recommending it, but it DOES give me that satisfaction of seeing those virtual stars for each habit that I am working toward.

The awkward interface of Touch Goal isn’t my problem. Even keeping my goals isn’t a problem. The problem that I have is that I KNOW that in two months, when everything feels natural and I think I’ve assimilated my new habits into my life, I’ll stop giving myself stars (or in the case of Touch Goal, little green dots).

I’ll continue with my good habits for about a month and then something will happen. Maybe I’ll go out of town. Maybe I’ll get really sick. Maybe I’ll injure myself and can’t run anymore. Whatever happens isn’t the cause, but the effect will be that I will totally lose my good habits and I’ll have to start all over again after a weight gain, negating everything that I achieved while developing my new habits.

This isn’t a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is a cycle that I have noticed in myself over the last few years and I don’t know how to break it. I’ve had good habits for two weeks now, so I only have about six weeks before I stop giving myself kudos for keeping up with my good habits.

This really seems like a no-brainer. “Duh, Laura! Don’t stop giving yourself stars!”

Yeah, I thought of that one, thank you. Keeping up with the stars is easy enough to do, but somehow it falls by the wayside.

Maybe I need to make of habit of praising myself for a job well done…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-11

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


My Live Frog Is Exercise

By Laura Moncur @ 9:00 am — Filed under:

Since I am working on my habits, my goal every day is a minimum of exercise. My goal is miniscule. All I require of myself is to walk one single mile every day. It has to be conscious exercise, not the walking accumulated by my regular activities. It needs to be time spent exercising, but all I have to do is one mile.

It’s a hilariously small requirement, but it’s the hardest for me to do each day. I procrastinate it every morning. Most days I put on my gym clothes and then proceed to do everything EXCEPT exercise.

The other day I read this quote. I’m pretty sure it’s a misquote because I can’t find a proper attribution, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”
— Mark Twain

Apparently, my live frog is exercise. If I can do it first thing in the morning, then I feel better the rest of the day. My live frog could have been eating healthy oils or planning my meals, but for me, I procrastinate exercising more than anything else.

The next time you’re feeling frustrated with your healthy lifestyle, sit down and think about your own live frog. Is it writing down everything you eat? Is it planning healthy meals? Is it working all your vegetables into your diet? Whatever it is, conquer it as early in the day as possible and the rest of your day will go much smoother.


The Habit Pet

By Laura Moncur @ 8:00 am — Filed under:

The Habit PetI had an epiphany the other day. I have been struggling with my eating and exercise. I will get everything in order and start exercising again. Then I’ll have to go out of town on a trip and I’ll forget everything I’ve learned because I get out of the habit.

I realized that habits are like baby animals. They are very delicate and it’s surprisingly easy to kill them. It takes only a few days of neglect and they die on me and I have to start again. I imagined my habits for healthy eating to be like a fuzzy weeple-like animal and I suddenly felt guilty for all of those I have killed over the last year.

If I had an ACTUAL baby animal who was depending on me to keep it alive, there is no way that I would leave it alone in the house while I went out of town. I would defer my trip, find someone to take care of it, or bring it with me.

Since habits can’t be sent to the kennel and I’m not willing to put my life on hold until I get to goal weight, I guess I’m going to have to take this baby animal habit pet with me when I go out of town again. If I think of my habits as a defenseless baby animal who needs to be nurtured and cared for constantly, what would I do differently?

  • Find a hotel that will allow me to have my pet: If I had a puppy that I had to take with me on my trip, I would need to find a hotel that allowed dogs. The same is true for new habits. I need to make sure that the hotel has an exercise room and a fridge in my room for healthy snacks and meals.

  • Take care of my pet EVERY day no matter what: Just because I’m out of town doesn’t mean that my habits should suffer. I wouldn’t allow my puppy to go without attention all day. I need to give just as much attention to my new habits as I would a helpless puppy.

  • Provide special food for my pet: I wouldn’t expect the hotel breakfast to have the proper food for a newborn puppy. Why do I expect it to have it for my healthy diet? The truth of the matter is that it’s possible to eat healthy at most complimentary hotel breakfasts, but depending on them to provide me with the food I need is just as stupid as expecting a hotel to have puppy chow on hand.

  • Make sure my pet has fresh water: I don’t know why I tend to skimp on drinking water when I’m out of town, but I continually find myself thirsty and parched. I can’t even imagine leaving a small animal without fresh water. Why do I do it to myself?

Imagining my newborn habits as a baby animal has made me more aware at how stupid I have been over the last year. I have allowed countless habits die of neglect and I have brushed each of their deaths off as “falling off the wagon.” If each of those habits had been a hamster, I would feel like a serial killer by now, but I’ve let them die with hardly a thought.

I always knew that nurturing my new habits was more difficult when I was traveling. Now, I have a visual representation of why it’s harder and what I need to do to keep my precious little ones alive while I’m out of town.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-04

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-27

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


KFC Double Down: Meat Is The New Bread

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

I literally thought the KFC Double Down was a joke when I saw the commercial for it.

It reminded me too much of this 30 Rock sketch with Tracy Morgan.

Meat is the new bread? Maybe they have a point there…

Is the KFC Double Down any less healthy than any other fast food chicken sandwich?

The Double Down Original Recipe is 540 Calories and 32 grams of fat. Compared to the Big Mac nutrition facts of 540 calories and 29 grams of fat, it’s very similar.

When you look at the Grilled Double Down, it’s 460 calories and 23 grams of fat. The McDonald’s Grilled Chicken Classic is 420 calories and 10 grams of fat.

Bread DOES take a lot of calories and doesn’t fill you up much compared to protein. Maybe the calories are similar with a Double Down and other fast food options, but it just might keep you feeling full longer. Is it healthy? I wouldn’t say so, but if you’re going to eat a fast food sandwich, maybe meat IS the new bread…


PostSecret: Missing Stars

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

This postcard from PostSecret made my eyes fill with tears.

PostSecret: Missing Stars

It reads:

I did not get enough of these as a kid.

Despite my many awards and certificates, I feel like I didn’t get enough stars as a kid either. No matter how many gold stars I earn, it never feels like enough. I would probably feel the same even if I won an Webbie, an Academy Award or a Grammy.

What do I do when all the accolades aren’t enough?

PostSecret‘s beneficiary is the National Hopeline Network. It is a 24-hour hotline (1 (800) SUICIDE) for anyone who is thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.

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