
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-29

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-22

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-15

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-08

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Sugarless Gum

By Laura Moncur @ 1:18 pm — Filed under:

Sugarless GumI had a strange incident the other day. I was reading a book. I had already eaten an unhealthy breakfast and I wanted to munch on something else. I walked to the kitchen and I KNEW that I wasn’t hungry. I tried to think of something healthy to eat while I was reading and then I remembered that I could chew a piece of gum. Mike ALWAYS has gum in the treat cupboard, so I pulled out a packet. I was feeling greedy, so I took out two pieces. I chewed them for over an hour and I didn’t feel like eating anymore. It helped me get past that.

I remember chewing gum when I was in high school. I chewed it EVERY day. I ALWAYS had gum. I rationed out the pieces to last all week until I had money to buy more. I wasn’t allowed to chew it in Spanish class and I remember furtively hiding it under my tongue so that Mrs. Linares wouldn’t be able to tell. To this day, I can talk flawlessly (in two languages) with a stick of gum under my tongue.

I stopped chewing gum when I married Mike. He doesn’t really like the habit, especially because I pop it and blow bubbles continually. He considers it noisy and disgusting, so I got out of the habit. The thing is, however, is that gum is REALLY good at distracting me from eating. It gives my mouth something to chew. It makes my teeth feel clean. It makes me not want to eat, because I’d have to throw my gum away. I should have never given it up and now I’m fully intending to start chewing again. I used to chew gum ALL the time. I would ALWAYS have a pack in my purse. After every meal, I would start chewing again. Quite frankly, I miss it. It might even be the reason I keep eating past the point of fullness. I want to keep on chewing, not eating.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-01

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-25

By Laura Moncur @ 1:32 am — Filed under:


Weight Watchers on the Cover of People Magazine

By Laura Moncur @ 9:00 am — Filed under:

Weight Watchers on the Cover of People MagazineJennifer Hudson did all the work, but she was following the Weight Watchers plan to lose it. She went from a size 16 to a size 6 so that she could play the part of Nelson Mandela’s wife in a bio-pic of her life. She honestly looks awesome and she deserves all the credit. Losing weight is difficult and I hope it was made a little easier for her by using Weight Watchers.


Got What You’ve Got And Doing What You’re Not

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

This advertisement really inspired me.

Got What You Got

It reads:

“Someone who’s got what you’ve got is out doing what you’re not.”

I know it was made for an advert for asthma medication, but the truth is, we ALL have our excuses and trials. We ALL have disabilities that we have convinced ourselves are true.

  • I have a shoulder injury, so I can’t weight train.
  • I am so overweight that exercise is impossible for me.
  • I can’t eat vegetables, they hurt my stomach.
  • I have weak knees, so I can’t exercise.
  • I don’t have the money for a gym membership.
  • I’m a big person. I can’t eat like a rabbit for the rest of my life.
  • I’m busy. I don’t have the time to eat healthy and exercise.

I have heard all of these excuses and FAR more. There are ways around every single one of these excuses and there are people out there with shoulder injuries, bad stomachs, weak knees, little money and high BMIs who are losing weight, keeping healthy and working out every day. EVERYBODY has something that keeps them overweight, but the thin people find ways to work around those excuses.


A Running Shower

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

I love this image from an Asics postcard I got in my SWAG bag for the SLC 5K. She’s titled Sadness:

Asics Runner Sadness

It’s like running (or any strenuous exercise) gives you a mental shower, washing away all the negative emotions and feelings. I’ve felt that effect before, but I have never depended on exercise to provide a release. I am still using food when I am feeling bad. It’s time I got into the habit of going out for a run or bike ride every time I feel like turning to food when I’m not hungry.

Here are the three other runners from Asics.


Asics Runner Stress


Asics Runner Worry


Asics Runner Anxiety

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