Ten Ways Walking Can Land You In Jail
The brilliant Wendy Bumgardner at About.com has another article that really got me thinking.
There are things I didn’t even think about on that list:
- Jaywalking
- Trespassing
- Weapons Violations
- Destruction of Public Property
- Theft
- Public Urination/Indecent Exposure
- Assault
- Battery
- Leash and Scooper Laws
- Loitering
When you list them out like this, it seems like a no-brainer, but when Wendy goes into detail about all the ways you could accidentally break the law, I had a whole new appreciation for my daily walks through the neighborhood. From ground scores to desperately seeking a Porta-Potty, there are ten ways that you could land yourself in a cell. Check out her article and you’ll be as surprised as I was.
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