
PostSecret: Be Thin

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

This postcard from PostSecret made me feel so sad for the girl who sent it in.

PostSecret: Be Thin

It reads:

I only think about killing myself when I work out at the gym.
I know that no matter how hard I try
I’ll never be thin or even average.
I often wonder if any of the other big girls around me
are thinking the same thing.

I just wanted to take this girl in my arms and give her a big hug. I know it feels like you can’t do it, but that is just not true. You CAN get to a healthy weight.

In fact, it is only your belief that you’ll never be thin that is holding you back. If you can change that deep-rooted thought about yourself, you’ll be able to change your life. If there is only one thing that I could tell you, it would be, “You CAN do this!”

PostSecret‘s beneficiary is the National Hopeline Network. It is a 24-hour hotline (1 (800) SUICIDE) for anyone who is thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.


3 Responses to “PostSecret: Be Thin”

  1. kilax Says:

    I saved two of the postcards to my computer this week – that one, and the one about feeling better than everyone when their treadmill is set at a faster pace. I plan to write about that one tomorrow 😉

    This one also made me feel sad. I felt like it could be a friend of mine saying that, and I just wanted to say “I am proud of you for even going to the gym. You’ll get there, keep at it!” But it can be very discouraging. 🙁

  2. angela Says:

    Well, I would say that maybe you won’t be thin, but you’ll be healthy and more comfortable in your body when you make it move more.

  3. Laura Moncur Says:


    I also saved the treadmill postcard. It is coming up later this week.


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