
Have a Healthy Christmas

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Have a Sexy ChristmasIt’s the middle of December. If you’re reading this, you are trying your darndest to stay on your program during the holidays. Right now, you’re tempted to just give up for a couple of weeks so you can enjoy the holidays. Of course, that implies that it’s impossible to enjoy the holidays and eat healthy, and logically you know that’s not true, but you’re still tempted.

You’re tempted to put your weight loss dreams off until “someday.” Zen Habits has the answer for you. They have a great article about how to cure Someday Syndrome.

Here’s how their cures can help you have a Healthy Christmas:

  1. Be you: Firstly, you have to make sure that the goal you’ve set for yourself really works for you. BMI might be the end all for health insurance companies, but instinctively you know if you are at a healthy weight. Is where you are now where you want to be?
  2. Clear out the junk: We have a lot of junk in our lives: negative thoughts, cluttered homes, and junk food. Clearing them all out gives you space to have positive thoughts, room to workout and a cupboard full of healthy food.
  3. Know what you want: I know this sounds kind of silly, but WHY do you want to lose weight, eat healthy and get strong? That sounds like such an easy answer, but if the answer was easy, DOING it would be easy. WRITE DOWN WHY you want to stay on your program. Draw pictures or talk to yourself.
  4. Make a grand plan: Look at your BIG goal. Make a plan to get there in the next year or so. You would be doing this on January First, so get a two week head start on yourself. Plan out where you want to be in a year.
  5. Take one step at a time: Next, plan what you need to do over the next two weeks to get through the holidays. Every party, every office treat, every neighbor gift, ALL OF IT. Plan out what you’re going to do and what you’re going to say so you can keep on program.
  6. Ignore the rest: This is their best suggestion. After planning for the big picture, ignore it. FOCUS on what you have to do TODAY.
  7. Get help: This is HARD. If it were easy, everyone would look like a supermodel. Get help from somewhere. It doesn’t really matter where. I always recommend Weight Watchers because they worked for me, but others have had success with Overeaters Anonymous, Jenny Craig, and even simple community programs at their local schools. Friends and family are another resource that you can ask for help.
  8. Don’t compare: This one is particularly bad if you attend a weight loss meeting of some sort. It’s very easy to compare ourselves to others. That can be good because we might aspire to being better, but it can also be very discouraging. Our bodies are different and they are going to react differently.
  9. Be uncomfortable: It’s okay if this is hard. When you start a new eating program, you’re going to be eating different foods that might affect your digestion. Stick with them. When you start a new exercise program, your muscles are going to ache a little. That’s a sign that you’re stretching. If you’re completely comfortable, you’re doing it wrong.
  10. Celebrate the process as well as the end: Never underestimate the power of shiny stickers. Every day that you’re able to follow your program perfectly should be rewarded. Print out a calendar for the rest of the month and give yourself a sticker for every day you follow your program.
  11. Don’t stop at the easy point: Most lists have ten items, but this one has eleven. It’s a reminder to push yourself. When you’re working out, remember to go a little further. When you’re choosing your food, remember to go with the healthy and filling foods rather than the decadent treats. Just a little extra push every day over the next two weeks will get you further than a huge push on January First.

The difference between the people who succeed and the people who don’t are these next two weeks. If you can stay on your program during these two weeks, you have a jump on yourself. You fall into the category of those who succeed and it’s just one step at a time until you reach your goal.


3 Responses to “Have a Healthy Christmas”

  1. Just_Kelly Says:

    Wow, I so needed to see this now. I just finished my “Me” weekend and need to now figure out how to put my reflections and what I’ve learned to work! Thanks for the post.

  2. Ernie Says:

    Great post today!

  3. Debby Says:

    What great list for success! These are the some of the best points I have seen about making your way through the holiday. I only wish I had them last month. But to be honest they apply to life and not just the holidays so a am extremely grateful. I love #11!

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