
Get Toned Without The Gym

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I’m pretty stoked about Seventeen Magazine’s pullout section this month. The theme is: Get Toned Without The Gym! Here is a scan of the pullout section here:

Get Toned Without The Gym by LauraMoncur from Flickr

You can replace the following exercise equipment at home without spending a dime:

Seventeen magazine has a lot of video workouts here:

Next time you’re thinking that you can’t workout because you can’t get to the gym or you don’t have a gym membership, try out this workout and let it kick your butt!


Body Inspiration From Calvin Klein

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I went on a magazine binge and this is one of the advertisements I pulled out:

Body Inspiration From Calvin Klein by LauraMoncur from Flickr

It was inspiring to me, so I thought I would share it with you. Apparently, its an advertisement for Calvin Klein exercise clothes like these:

I’m not really the target market for these clothes because I can’t see spending fifty bucks on one pair of gym shorts. I enjoy the inspiration, though…


Life Is Not A Spectator Sport

By Laura Moncur @ 5:22 pm — Filed under:

Life Is Not A Spectator Sport by LauraMoncur from FlickrA couple of weeks ago, I took a trip to my city library’s periodical department. In the back room, they have all the Seventeen magazines that have ever been printed. I took out some of the huge bound books and leafed through the Eighties. I found this advertisement from Reebok. I reads:

Because life is not a spectator sport.

I never realized how closely I took this advertisement to heart. All my life, I have spurned sports that don’t include me such as football, basketball and all those other sports that only allowed boys to play. I’ve also avoided watching sports on television. There is no point if I can’t play.

All the fun is in the playing, right?

I love sports like running, tennis, golf and swimming because I am EXPECTED to play. I’m even allowed to compete in running events. Whether I run fast or slow, I can sign up to compete in the next 5K in my town. They include me no matter what I look like. As long as I’m willing to tread the miles, I’m allowed to play along.

Next time you find yourself dreading your workout at the gym, think about sports that include you. Would you like to be in a bicycle race? Would you like to kick some butt on the golfing green? Make your workouts fun and enjoyable and you’ll be able to exercise without the drudgery. In fact, a workout at the gym means so much more when you’re doing it to be strong for your next race, game or competition.

Make your workouts MEAN something because life is not a spectator sport!


Grilling with E. Coli

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Click to see full size comic.Last Sunday’s Sheldon comic caused quite a reaction in the forums. Here is a comment from one of the readers:

There is a “restaurant” in Memphis called Dyer’s (an appropriate name, you’ll see) that has been in business over 75 years. Their specialty is deep fried burgers (just the meat, to be totally clear). No, that’s not the killer part (well, yes, but it gets better/much worse). The killer part is that they deep fry the burgers in a big kettle of grease that has NEVER BEEN CHANGED in over 75 YEARS. They just top it off a bit if needed (probably not often, since the grease from the burgers adds to it). They just throw the patties in and they sink — when they’re done they rise to the top.

Here is a photo of the kettle of grease:

Dyer's Grease Fried Burgers

If the idea of 75 year old burger grease isn’t enough to keep you away from burgers for a while, then I don’t know what is…


I’m Faster Than Squirrels!

By Laura Moncur @ 9:46 am — Filed under:

The caption for this photo reads:

I’m faster than squirrels while riding on my Iron Duke.

Acorn combine harvester by foka kytutr from Flickr

Remember how that felt? Remember when your new tennis shoes made you run faster than you could have ever run before? Remember when you felt a surge of power from the speed of your bicycle? Remember how that felt?

Get that feeling back today. Instead of doing your normal exercise routine, go outside for a crazy run where you race to see how fast you can go. Pump up the tires on that expensive bicycle you bought two years ago and feel the chilly air race past your face. THAT is what exercise is about: getting to know your body and how it feels when you push it to its limits.

Feels good, doesn’t it?!

Via: Old Bike Blog: Some Funny Nonsense for Friday


Bulgar Evening Meal

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

This is a portion of a photograph from the Library of Congress called Bulgar Evening Meal.

Bulgar evening meal by The Library of Congress from Flickr

Bulgar is a whole wheat product that has been touted recently for its health benefits. Here’s some information from Wikipedia:

The key attributes of traditional bulgur production are that the grain is parboiled, dried (usually by spreading in the sun), and the bran removed; significantly, it is processed from germinated grain, thus altering the glycemic index and nutritional values of simple wheat. Bulgur is often confused with cracked wheat, which is made from crushed wheat grains which have not been germinated nor parboiled. Although traditionally de-branned, bulgur and cracked wheat products available in shops may or may not have had their bran removed. Thus there are whole-grain, high-fiber versions of each. Bulgur is most often found in Turkish, Middle Eastern, Indian and Mediterranean dishes mainly Greece, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus. It has a light and nutty flavor.

Bulgur can be used in pilafs, soups, bakery goods, or as stuffing, but is best known as a main ingredient in tabbouleh salad and kibbeh. Its higher nutritional value makes it a good substitute for rice or couscous. In Indian cuisine, bulgur or daliya is also used as a cereal with milk and sugar.

When I was a kid, my grandparents used to make cracked wheat for me for breakfast on the weekends. We would crumble a piece of bacon into the cracked wheat and eat it with milk. It wasn’t a sweet dish (although sometimes my grandma skipped the bacon and had hers with Sweet N Low).

Bulgur Wheat, Dark, 1 lb. at Amazon.comWhen I look at that photo of the soldiers preparing bulgar for their evening meal, I wonder what happened to it? Bulgar was something that people ate regularly and it virtually disappeared from our diet only to reappear almost a century later. It’s kind of hard to cook. Did the advent of computer-controlled rice cookers bring it back? Is it the current obsession with “whole” foods?

Whatever the reason, bulgar is a grain that is quickly returning to the human diet. Get to know it and try eating it for breakfast or maybe your evening meal.


What Is An Athlete?

By Laura Moncur @ 12:18 pm — Filed under:

Bennett Sisters by The Library of Congress from Flickr

In the early twentieth century, the Bennett Sisters were a vaudeville act, featuring wrestling, fencing and boxing. Almost a century before Joanie “Chyna Doll” Laurer wowed audiences, the Bennett Sisters were showing their skills to the world.

Bennett Sisters by The Library of Congress from Flickr

When I look at these photos, I wonder if they were just an act, just like the rest of the vaudeville acts, or were they “real” athletes. There is no question whether the women wrestlers of today are athletes or not. Their antics might be an act, but the physical stamina required to perform those acts is very real.

What is an athlete?

Dictionary.com gave me this definition:

ath·lete: a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in a sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skill.

If that’s the case, Chyna, The Bennett Sisters and I are all on the same page. We’re all athletes. Just because my game requiring physical skill is Dance Dance Revolution doesn’t negate my abilities.

So why do some athletes get all the attention and others are ignored?

It’s not about winning. There are marathon winners every week that never get shoe deals with Nike. There are cyclists that never make the cover of Sports Illustrated. Lance Armstrong, you say? Well, he hasn’t competed for over three years. Quick, name the last three winners of the Tour de France…

I’m waiting…

The truth of the matter is, FAME is very different from ATHLETICISM. Fame is the cover of Sports Illustrated. Fame is the stadium filled with screaming grease-paint covered fans. Fame is a show on the vaudeville circuit.

What is an athlete?

An athlete is the one who exercises every day. An athlete is the one who white knuckles a rest day because she wants to get out on the road and run, even though her body needs a break. An athlete practices to be better. An athlete is out there competing, even though she knows she’ll lose. Even though she knows there’s no stadium full of people. Even though Sports Illustrated would only put her on the cover if she was in a bikini. Even though it’s only her sister she’s fighting against.

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