Multi-Vitamin Brags About Paid Advertisement
There are many times that companies brag about their own advertisements with such phrases as, “As Advertised On TV” or “Advertised In These High Quality Magazines.” Most people just shrug and move on, but what if a vitamin is listed in the PDR? Isn’t that an honor?
Envia would like you to think so, but MLM Watch knows the truth:
When used by itself, the name “PDR” usually refers to the book that lists prescription drugs. There are, however, at least 15 other PDRs. Eniva’s listing is in the PDR for Nonprescription Drugs, Dietary Supplements, and Herbs, pictured above, which is not widely used. Listing in this book is not an “honor” or endorsement. The book’s foreword states that “by making this material available, the publisher [Thomson PDR] is not advocating the use of any products described herein.” All product information is supplied by the manufacturer. Thomson does not select what products are listed by choosing those it thinks are best. The only requirement for listing is payment of a fee.
Next time you see a nutritional supplement or weight loss aid advertisement, remember that everything they are saying is trying to convince you to buy their product. If their product was really that good, people would be breaking down their door to get it and they wouldn’t have to convince anyone.
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