
How To Avoid Poison Oak

By Laura Moncur @ 10:18 am — Filed under:

Stay away from the

When you hike outdoors, you may encounter poison oak, which is a plant that will give you an oozing and itchy rash. Wendy Bumgardener at About.com has a tutorial on how to recognize and avoid poison oak

Here is a link to a slideshow of poison oak prepared by Wendy:

Here is a link to all the photos on Flickr tagged with the words poison oak:

Hiking is great exercise and you should never avoid it because of something like poison oak. With a little preparation and knowledge, you’re sure to be safe from poisonous plants and hike risk-free.


Starling Fitness DVD: San Antonio Botanical Garden Walk

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

The San Antonio Botanical Garden Walk DVD is finished and ready for you! It is a little over 1 hour of walking on the San Antonio Botanical Garden on September 15, 2006. If your treadmill workouts have been getting you down and you are wishing for greenery, this is the right video for you!

I’m offering this workout DVD for $5 plus shipping.

Order Starling Fitness Walking Videos Here

Here is a glimpse of what the walk will be like:

Click here to see the video

Video Description:

I was lost and unprepared for the hot Texas weather, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the garden’s beauty. From the native Texas grassland areas to the indoor fern grottos, I filmed all that the San Antonio Botanical Garden had to offer.

Wander along the garden paths. Watch the birds fly past you and squawk at you from the trees. Smell the herbs and flowers in the garden for the blind. Breathe in the humid air in the fern grotto. Explore the historical homes of Texas’ past. Chase down the golf cart. Can you keep up?

If you are missing the beautiful greenery that Texas has to offer, you can enjoy it every day with this video.

Order Starling Fitness Walking Videos Here


Fun Treadmill Workout From Ford Fitness Models

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I wanted to hate this video. I wanted to just brush off the whole collection of fitness videos from this modeling agency, but this is the BEST explanation of the workout that I did on the treadmill during my Trekking classes at the gym.

It’s REALLY hard to describe the side step thing on the treadmill. This video shows you exactly how to do it. I LOVE to workout on my treadmill and I feel strangely uncomfortable agreeing with every word she says.

One note: You should do the side step thing for half the time facing one direction and half the time facing the other direction so that you’ll get a workout on both legs evenly. She didn’t mention that in the video, but that’s what we did in my trekking class.

You can see more exercise videos (as well as weird fashion stuff) here:

It’s a surprising leap for a modeling agency to start creating media. I know it promotes their models, but they are creating some good work here. I’m interested to see how this works…


Jim Carrey Gives Fitness Tips

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

When I watched this video the other day, I began to wonder what I thought was funny about Jim Carrey when he was on In Living Color. Fifty-nine seconds into it, I remembered.

Sure, this sketch pushes things over the top, but so much of our fitness advice has come to us from people who are pumped up on steroids or have gone under the knife. They give credit for their form to their juicer, exercise routine, workout gadget or miracle pill, when really genetics and illegal steroids are responsible.

It’s no wonder that I have ZERO trust anymore.


Photos from Yosemite Park

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Being physically fit has its advantages. Being able to hike Yosemite Park and snap a ton of photos is one of them:

Half Dome in Yosemite Park

Yosemite Park was one of Ansel Adams’ favorite photography sites and he has numerous photos of Half Dome. Seeing the same mountain from someone with a different eye is so refreshing.

Next time you’re exercising and you feel bored with your routine, remember why you keep in shape. Being able to hike Yosemite Park is one of those benefits.

Via: Two-Heel Drive: May 2007 Archives


It’s All A Mind Game

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

The more I think about this, the more it makes sense. Weight loss is all a mind game. If you think you will lose weight, you will lose weight. Most of the time, it’s because we have a trust in a certain diet or exercise regime, but in actuality, it’s all in our heads. Jason Kottke wrote a pretty intense article about the subject here:

In the end, he uses a strange logic to sum it up:

“Perhaps the way to true personal acheivement and happiness is through lying to yourself instead of being honest, loafing instead of practicing, and purposely forgetting information. There are plenty of self-help books on the market…where are the self-hurt books?”


We’re Wired For More

By Laura Moncur @ 7:48 am — Filed under:

We want more. Sorry to break it to you, but no matter how awesome your car is, after a couple of months, you’re going to want a better one. No matter how lovely your house is, you’re going to want a better one (either bigger or in a more prestigious neighborhood). No matter how thin you are, you’re going to want to be better. As humans, we are wired for MORE.

How can we make eating healthy more like a video game? How can we give ourselves a score that we can compare? Maybe if we had some sort of composite number that rated our eating, exercise and mental state, we could compare numbers and compete to try to get it higher. We’re wired for this kind of competition, that’s why places like Weight Watchers work. We’re secretly very proud that we have our little five pound bookmark and all of its stars on it.

So much of weight loss is about LESS, though…

Losing weight is literally about making LESS of yourself. Eating less food. It’s the whole “Eat Less Move More” movement. I’ve got the Move More part down pat. I love to exercise. The Eat Less thing, however is really difficult and I think it’s the LESS part that makes it hard. Since we’re so wired to want more, the idea of less goes against every instinct programmed into us. Less is inherently AGAINST evolution.

Unfortunately, we’ve kinda made evolution obsolete…

We have been able to conquer famine, disease and even our aggressive nature. All the things that helped us survive famine are now causing a disease of their own. Our instinctual desire for more is making us slow and lethargic.

I have no idea how to get past this. Anyone have any ideas?


Question of the Week: Favorite Snacks

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I have a few healthy snacks that help me eat healthy:

  • 94% Fat Free Popcorn
  • Carrot sticks
  • Granny smith apples with lots of salt
  • Diet rootbeer with a 1/4 cup of REAL ice cream

What are your favorite snacks?


PostSecret: I Wouldn’t Bother

By Laura Moncur @ 9:50 am — Filed under:

PostSecret: I Wouldn’t Bother

This postcard showed up on PostSecret today. I feel like giving this girl a big hug.

Stop trying to lose weight to get a boyfriend. Just stop it. You deserve love right now, just as you are. There is probably someone who loves you right now. He is hiding in the wings, wondering what to do. Quit wasting time trying to make yourself fit into a hole that wasn’t made for you and go find him.

Eat healthy. Move around. Find love. Quit starving yourself.

PostSecret‘s beneficiary is the National Hopeline Network. It is a 24-hour hotline (1 (800) SUICIDE) for anyone who is thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.


No More Black Swimsuits!

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

No More Black Swimsuits! by Tish GrierAs an owner of a beloved black swimsuit, I thought I would disagree with Tish’s article when I saw the title. Instead, I was rooting her on!

It’s time to buy a swimming suit for the season. This time, don’t hide behind black. Let yourself wear the suit you always wanted to wear, no matter what your current size. Life’s too short to wait to buy your dream swimming suit. You don’t have to be a size 0 to be beautiful. You’re already beautiful right now.

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