
A Fat Rant by Joy Nash

By Laura Moncur @ 6:22 am — Filed under:

When I saw that this video, A Fat Rant by Joy Nash, was 7 minutes long, I was pretty much unwilling to download it. Let me tell you. It’s totally worth the download time!

This girl is RIGHT on! Here are only some of the best quotes from the video:

Tell people how much you weigh! It’s just a stinking number. It does not reflect on your intelligence, your work ethic or your character. And protest with your pocketbooks, people! Shops in stores that sell halter tops in triple-X. Forget about tent dresses! Don’t even think about trying to “squeeze” into normal sizes!

If [they] won’t open their eyes and make clothing that fits me, they don’t need my money!

The secret to staying permanently slim? Choose two thin parents. Ideally, choose four thin grandparents as well.

Stop putting life on hold!

Fat is a descriptive physical characteristic. It’s not an insult, or an obscenity, or a death sentence. When you see a fat person, look at them, in the face and smile… you should do that to everybody, but don’t forget to do it to fat people too.

There’s a whole ‘nother world out there, baby! Get happy in that skin you’re in!

If you have been putting your life on hold, wearing clothes that don’t fit, or hiding in any way, STOP IT! Right now! Go to Torrid or Lane Bryant and get yourself some hot new clothes that fit and look good. You deserve it!

Via: A mile in my Birks » Blog Archive » A fat rant.


18 Responses to “A Fat Rant by Joy Nash”

  1. Ernie Says:

    FABULOUS! I love it!

  2. Mindy Says:

    Wow i actually loved this video and Ive been dieting hardcore for a month. I love this woman!!!

  3. Megan Says:

    Thanks for sharing this! I just had to find it on you tube, to post on my own blog!

  4. B Says:

    mm.. k- I love her. Thank you!

  5. Roman Says:

    “Tell people how much you weigh! It’s just a stinking number. It does not reflect on your intelligence, your work ethic or your character.” – great words! And great post. I’ll put it in my favorites!

  6. Todd Says:

    Is this a fitness blog, or a fat acceptance blog? I think you need to figure out what you want to do and focus on it. If it’s a fitness blog, why can’t you “accept” that you aren’t thin, and leave it at that, writing about your fitness activities?

    By continually harping on the fat acceptance stuff, you get off track from fitness, while at the same time creating a methinks-she-doth-protest-too-much impression that you are trying to talk yourself into accepting your body. If you really believed it, you’d be past the need to constantly talk about it.

  7. Laura Moncur Says:


    Fitness and Fat Acceptance are not mutually exclusive. Did you watch the video? Joy said that you should eat healthy and exercise regularly, but if you still have a curvy body, it’s time to accept it.

    In fact, I believe that weight loss is never truly sustainable until you love and accept your body. The fact that I have so much self hatred is part of my problem with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  8. B. Says:


    I don’t know if your criticisms apply to Laura, but they definately apply to me. I do have trouble accepting my body and yet I do think all different shapes of human beings are beautiful and acceptable.

    I’m human though, which means that I want to belong- so my dominant culture’s messages that a size 12 person is a PLUS size model DO affect me. It stresses me out, which affects my health and my fitness. For me, fat acceptance is critical to my fitness.

    I truly see beautiful people everywhere I go, and I realistically think I am beautiful, but I still need to work on feeling confident that I’m allowed to be how I am in this culture.

    I appreciate Laura’s fat acceptance posts. They lift my spirits and make me feel like dancing. For me, they are intergral to a blog about fitness.

  9. Sofia Says:

    I don’t discriminate against fat people, but I think there is a difference with a fat person living a healthy lifestyle and a fat person who’s not taking care of him/herself. I have less sympathy to those who complain about being fat but still turning down an apple for a sleeve for Oreos.

  10. Sofia Says:

    *of Oreos

  11. Chris Marsh Says:

    Perhaps the primary problem is emotionally eating, as though it replaces something else that should be there but is not.

    If someone says, “never saw a cookie I didn’t like”, the cookie didn’t dislike anybody, either.

    Things like chocolate or sugar do create a physiological high in some people, myself included. And it is perfectly legal and generally socially tolerated.

    We’d never consider a beer vending machine at work. Probably not a cigarette machine.

    But snack machine? What’s the problem with candy?

    It’s not even age-restricted!

    Come on, it will make you feel good, forget stuff- for a while.

    “Muriel, finish your org__m.”

    We’ve never had a case of AIDS, an accidental pregnancy, or broken heart over an ice cream shake yet.

    Snack foods, beer, cigs, drugs, don’t have prejudices.

    Even if a person makes an effort to live without prejudice, prejudice still happens.

    Recognize prejudice, recognize feelings, recognize everyone has feelings. Then maybe we can do something constructive with all that sugar, turn it into gasohol for our cars!

  12. kevin milner Says:

    hi joy i think you look beaut-full will you marry me

  13. Sandy Says:

    I weigh and 235 and so what. I love you girl. Keep it up.

  14. Neel Says:

    Look at the number of Joy Nash comments(my blog included)! I liked the spunk that came across. You got to deal with your body image perception first. Once you do that, then what anyone else says doesn’t matter one bit!

  15. Lauriejane Says:

    You need a certain amount of personal strength and a good feeling of self-regard before you can understake improvement of your health and image. One problem that fat people have is that they become depressed and feel like giving up on themselves. It IS depressing to live in a world that regards a physical condition–obesity–as a personality and character flaw. For many of us, the decision to workout and eat right is a decision that comes with the willingness to fight for ourselves. We have to feel we are worth it before we can give ourselves the gift of fitness. We have to believe we can do it and that we deserve it. If you don’t begin with some self-acceptance and the belief that you are more than one aspect of your body, it will be impossible to go through the hard work of changing. One thing you have to do when you change your habits is stand up to all of those people who are constantly trying to get you to eat–that includes friends, acquaintances, co-workers, relatives, spouses, magazines, TV ads, and, most of all, all of the multi-billion dollar industries that are dependent on our being fat(food/chemical/diet/medical/drug etc.). It is hard to change habits, and hard to stand up to what I have come to call an “obesogenic” society where everything is designed to make you consume more, eat more, and schedules are not designed to include much time for exercise. You have to be strong to do that. For some of us, that means a certain amount of “fat acceptance,” the unwillingness to take crap from others because we are fat. People give me a hard time about my weight here in ultra slim So Cal where I live and I have just lost 70 lbs! (I still have about 60 lbs more to lose so, to a stranger, I am just another fat lady who doesn’t care about her weight or appearance). I say, do whatever you have to and think whatever you have to in order to be strong enough for the fat fight. For many of us, especially women, a certain reasonable amount of fat acceptance helps us be strong.

  16. Anna Says:

    224 pounds? My brother, who is 6ft tall, weighs less than that – and he ain’t thin. There is no excuse for a woman to weigh that much. Let’s stop applauding her and save our praise for people who have the strength to transform their bodies.

  17. Suzanne Gudakunst Says:

    I think there’s a fine line that people who’ve never struggled with weight, or watched a family member struggle, don’t always understand. Like many people said, there’s not a lot of sympathy for the person who complains about not being able to lose weight while holding a Coke in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other. However, some people really do try, but get discouraged easily and need our support to continue their efforts.

  18. Curvy Thin Woman Says:

    I do kickboxing, pilates, belly dancing, African-dance, yoga and basic calisthenics. Oh, I also run in the fall/spring. I do not believe in dieting. I just eat the foods that I love in moderation. It’s called MENTAL WILLPOWER! I’m in great shape. To be honest, I have very little sympathy for the women who are complaining about discriminiation and obesity. As a minority, I find it quite absurd actually. If I whined about every racial remark or discrimination I have encountered, I wouldn’t have room left to breathe. I just simply ignore it. The world is harsh. Get over it! I find it quite ironic that most women object to the idealistic beauty standards ‘supposedly’ set forth by men & the media. But yet, buy Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Vogue, & Marie Claire magazines. Thus, increasing the buying power! Men are not the biggest consumers of these magazines. Women are! In fact, if you were to observe most men magazines (Maxim, King, Black Men and FHM), then you would notice the women are a little more curvier. For some of us who want to equate fat and curves, sorry to inform you, they’re not synonomous. Curves are breasts, hips, and booty. It has very little to do with excess body fat. Trust me, I have all of the above. If you’re fat and content. Accept it. But don’t cry a river and expect every fashion designer, magazine, or every other man to accept it. Who knows, maybe purchasing magazines like Cosmo has more of a deep-rooted psychological issue. This ‘bizarre’ desire for women to obsessively compete and compare themselves to other women. Of course, competing for the attention of most men. Although, the Fat Acceptance Movement are telling most women to accept their body size, nevertheless I also believe it’s an indirect message to most men …ALL MEN ACCEPT ALL PLUS SIZE WOMEN AS WELL!… So that we no longer have to compete with smaller women. Just my observation!

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