Mini Cupcakes
When I went to Weight Watchers regularly, there was a muffin recipe that made the rounds. It was basically a chocolate cake mix, water and a bunch of Fiber One cereal added to increase the fiber and bring down the Points level. It also made the muffins taste horrible. I was so desperate to eat sweets by the time I encountered that recipe, that I lived on those chocolate muffins for awhile. I knew they weren’t good, but they weren’t “forbidden” so I was happy to eat them.
What I really wanted was a cupcake, but I ate horrible fiber muffins instead.
That is everything that is wrong with what goes on in my mind when I’m dieting. It happened to me when I was on Weight Watchers, but it wasn’t their fault. It was something that clicked and changed in my mind. As long as I lived under the motto of “I can eat anything I want, just not everything I want,” I was fine. The minute I started categorizing food as good and bad, I started to have troubles.
What I should have done instead of eating horrible fiber muffins was make some mini-cupcakes. They now have mini-cupcake pans like this one from WearEver and even mini-cupcake foil liners. Since a tiny cupcake like that is probably 150-250 calories, it wouldn’t overload my eating for one day if I eat one. I could even make them beautiful like the big cupcakes.
It has taken me years to realize that the best road to eating healthy is the one that lets me enjoy the foods that I love. When I want a cupcake, a fiber muffin is just going to make me feel deprived. When I want a cupcake, I should eat a cupcake! If I don’t, I’ll eat fifteen cupcakes in one sitting in a couple of months. Is that better?