Take Me As I Am
Tish is toying with the idea of dieting again.
She’s in that uncomfortable spot of not liking her body the way it is, but not really wanting to jump into dieting again.
“Take me as I am–chubby and all.”
“But that’s not the point. There are times when I’m uncomfortable. And I don’t like my underwear size.”
“So, I’m toying with the diet thing again–wondering if I can do it, even for a couple of months, to lose a couple of pounds.”
If you are feeling like you want to be thinner, but don’t want to diet, I have two words for you, “Don’t Diet.” Seriously, dieting will only make you feel deprived.
What to do about the body image issues?
My answer has always been to start with exercise. I allow myself to eat whatever I want, but I insist that I exercise regularly. Once I work up to six sessions a week, it seems more natural to eat healthier. It’s almost as if the exercise makes my body crave healthier food.
I never really lose any weight when I’m eating whatever I want and exercising, but it leads me to the place where I can actually consider eating healthy again.
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September 1st, 2006 at 7:11 pm
Thanks for the post People should be on program when they want to be and not look at it as a diet.
Exercising is a great way to start.
I also don’t think forcing people to lose weight when they don’t want to will work. We don’t all have to look the same.
September 4th, 2006 at 9:00 am
I do the same thing..eat what I usually eat but exercise. It does make me want to aviod the junk…I dont seem to crave it as much.