
How To Eat For Your Workout

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

CNN has an article from sport nutritionists that talk about how to eat when you’re working out. Whether you workout in the morning, at lunch or in the evening, they have recommendations for you.

I workout in the morning. Sometimes I can just wake up and go for a run with no problems. Other times, I end up shaky and needing to eat when I get home. If I eat beforehand, I’ve had trouble with nausea during the run.

The most important thing is to listen to your body.

I haven’t seen that recommended enough anywhere. CNN has given you guidelines on how to eat healthy, but they aren’t set in stone. Be aware of how your body feels and fuel it accordingly. That’s the best advice you can follow.


One Response to “How To Eat For Your Workout”

  1. PopFitnez Says:

    Overall, they gave a pretty good recommendation. I was a little disappointed (not surprised) to see some of the old dogmas in there, such as, you need carbs for your workout.

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