Lofty title, huh? Considering all my struggles with eating healthy, I can understand if you’re skeptical. In fact, I’m sitting here right now thinking, “How can I explain this?!”
The truth is, eating healthy CAN be fun. I KNOW this because I see it in other people all the time. I’m talking about those people that you know. None of us want to admit it, but we hate them sometimes because they purposely make us feel bad about what we’re eating.
I’m talking about vegetarians.
Not the vegetarians that live a quiet life and eat healthy without imposing their beliefs on anyone else. I’m talking about the rabid vegetarians. I’m talking about the vegans. I’m talking about the raw food enthusiasts. These people have made eating healthy like a video game. There are stages for you to achieve and you get to feel more and more justified at each one. Vegans are “better” than vegetarians and raw foodies are “better” than vegans. All of them are “better” than us.
They piss me off and I sometimes wonder if their ideas are truly healthy, but the fact of the matter is, they have made healthy eating fun. Even though it’s not fun for us, it’s obviously quite fun for them. So the question is:
How Can Eating Healthy Be Fun?
What if eating healthy was like a video game? What if each time you checked off a box for vegetables, you got a score? What if you could display your score to the whole world and they would know that you’re a “fifth level eater”? What if being able to announce that you’re a “fifth level eater” felt as good as saying, “I’m a vegetarian”?
There HAS to be some way to quantify eating healthy. There HAS to be some way to get a high score in eating healthy and the scale isn’t it. The scale is a cumulative score. You need a score for every day.
I don’t know the answers yet, but there HAS to be some way to harness the feeling of accomplishment from eating healthy.