Durrant’s Crown Bakery
Of all the nasty tricks that can happen to someone who is trying to eat healthy, the worst is living near Durrant’s Crown Bakery. Whenever Mike and I walk within four blocks of their building, we can smell what they are baking. Most of the time, the air smells thick with the fragrance of donuts. Just last week, it smelled like white powdered donuts with raspberry filling. The smell was that distinct. Our mouths watered, but we could not eat the donuts.
It wasn’t worries about our health that kept us from partaking of the mouth-watering donuts that we could smell from across the street. In fact, a donut treat every now and again can help stave off the feeling of deprivation when it is planned for. No, the reason we can’t eat the donuts is far more cruel. It is the fact that we can’t buy them. Durrant’s Crown Bakery sells their treats to gas stations and convenience stores in the area. We have walked up to the door of the building many times, but there is no way to buy their treats directly from the source. We have to wait until they are stale and tasteless in the convenience store.
I honestly believe that if I could eat their pastries fresh from their bakery, they would be delicious, but every time I have purchased a Durrant’s Crown Bakery treat from a gas station, I’ve thrown it away, half-eaten. By the time they get to the store, they are stale. The half-life of utterly delicious pastries is something on the order of six hours. By the time their wares are packaged and delivered, they are about as tasty as the cellophane they come in.
Durrant’s Crown Bakery is truly the most nasty trick played on a healthy eater in Salt Lake City, Utah.