
Question of the Week: Healthy Life At Work

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

We don’t just eat healthy at home. A lot of our time is spent at work, where we need to make healthy choices.

What do you do to make sure you eat healthy at work?

Do you exercise during lunch or at breaks? If so, how do you make that work? Do you shower afterwards? What didn’t work?

How do you get past the afternoon snack attack?

What are the most risky eating areas at work?

If there was something that you could change at work to make your life easier, what would it be?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


4 Responses to “Question of the Week: Healthy Life At Work”

  1. ts Says:

    I am a bartender, and work nights at a pub. We serve pizza, wings and all kinds of bar food. I make sure to eat right before leaving usually baked chicken and veggies and usually bring along a piece of fruit and sometimes a turkey burger just in case. I have found that an apple with a bit of peanut butter is a very satisfying snack when serious cravings hit!It gets tough towards the end of the shift but as long as I have something healthy to eat, it keeps me on track. Sometimes I’ll cave and have a bag of cashews!! I keep hydrated by drinking a lot of water and don’t drink alcohol.

  2. Joyce Says:

    I am always thinking about food – or my next meal. I think it is worse because I have been doing the same job for 15 yrs. and it is not challenging. I am too frightened to venture out @49yrs old. I work out alot but I am always 10lbs over weight. I just got back to work after having foot surgery. I do much better when I am busy. At home I overeat but at least it’s healthy. At work if I take one cookie/bread/munchikin or whatever is in the kitchen someone has brought in, I will keep going back until I am sick. I am sober 4 yrs. now and when I first quit drinking I lost weight. Exercise is not a problem but bingeing is. I feel really bad about myself. I know I am an attractive women but this holds me back. After my last relationship (which ended in a humiliating fashion) it has progressively gotten worse and that was 2 yrs ago.

  3. Meri Says:

    Mainly I try to plan what I’ll eat and not be tempted by complex carbs!

    I exercise at the gym before work, but also try to take regular breaks during the day (largely for RSI reasons) where I wander around a bit.

    As for the afternoon snack attack — I’ve started buying a fruit salad in the canteen and bringing it back to my desk. Around 2-3pm I have that instead of going to the vending machine. Working so far 😉

  4. Chuck Says:

    Pack your own lunch. Lots of fruit and peanut butter sandwiches.

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