PostSecret: Obesity News Segment
This postcard from PostSecret gave me a new motivation to get fit and thin.
It reads:
I often wonder if I’ve ever been caught in an obesity news segment.
The thought of seeing myself on the news as an example of the obesity epidemic made my stomach turn. I know they have the right to film people in public and show them on television as long as they don’t show their faces, but it just seems cruel and wrong to me.
It’s just one of the those reasons for me to get my butt on the treadmill every day. If eating healthy and exercising every day is what I have to do to keep myself from that embarrassment, then I’m ready and willing to do it.
PostSecret‘s beneficiary is the National Hopeline Network. It is a 24-hour hotline (1 (800) SUICIDE) for anyone who is thinking about suicide or knows someone who is considering it.
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March 19th, 2010 at 11:45 am
There is an alternative – Learn about Health At Every Size and the fat rights movement. Many of us are living healthy active nutritionally-balanced lives but remain large and remain ridiculed by the media. Nobody should have to put up with that! The answer to acts of ridicule and discrimination is not necessarily to change oneself (women shouldn’t have to be like men, gay people shouldn’t have to become straight, and fat people shouldn’t have to become thin). In fact, the health problems associated with “obesity” are usually caused by attempts to lose weight! Of course, this whole weight loss industry has far more funding to promote the weight loss message than those of us whose actually scientific research has found that it’s stigma and shame and attempts to change that are killing us. Please learn more about size diversity and Health at Every Size. If we are all engaging in healthy behaviors, not all of us will be thin, and in societies where people don’t have their large backsides ridiculed by the media, fat people actually live LONGER and HEALTHIER and HAPPIER. FIGHT BACK!